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The World Is Our Campus

The Arcadia Quill

The World Is Our Campus

The Arcadia Quill

The World Is Our Campus

The Arcadia Quill

Supriya Thapa

Supriya Thapa, Arts & Entertainment Editor

Meet Supriya, the self-proclaimed procrastinator who finds beauty in the unhurried pace of life. A senior ready to leave her small bubble and explore the world, she feels much inspiration from Russian literature, principally by its deep psychological and philosophical analysis. Her remedy is baking—a process that appeases her mind and transforms a simple combination of ingredients into a masterpiece. For Lana Del Rey, there are no words needed in her music to speak directly to her soul. Through literature, baking, or music, Supriya defines leisure, as she gets ready and heads out to new adventures beyond her comfort zone.

All content by Supriya Thapa