The UCLA Blood and Platelet Drive Center recently collaborated with Arcadia High School’s (AHS) Seniors of Merit at Work (SMW) on Jan. 21 for the annual blood drive held by the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) from 8 a.m.-1 p.m. Students participated in donating blood to help those in need of it. The UCLA Blood and Platelet Drive Center receives 80% of their blood supply from high school donors. From AHS, they received 52 units of blood, where each unit can save up to three lives.
Most donors had a smooth recovery as they were supplied with snacks and drinks to replenish their nutrition supply after drawing blood. There were about 20 nurses who were helping to draw blood and assist students at the recovery table. In total, SMW signed up 131 people to donate blood. The custodians also took time out of their schedule to donate to the blood drive.
Senior members and the leads of the blood drive, Mandy Ju and Katelyn Li, confirmed that they began planning the blood drive months ago with the guidance and assistance of AHS advisors: Mrs. Rita Ann Wilkins, Ms. Claudia Grubbs, Ms. Charlene Nguyen, and Mx. Charmaine Cordero. They created a very detailed timeline to help them plan the event. Following the finalization of their plans, they briefed all of SMW on the event and explained how the donative drive would be advertised.
Prior to the drive sign-up deadline, SMW members visited numerous classrooms during period 4 and advertised to students what their donations to the blood drive would mean to society. SMW also put up many posters and announced the event through school platforms like Apache News and the daily student bulletin.
Sign-ups began on Dec. 4; SMW set up lunch table sign ups at the Rally Court and the Performing Arts courtyard during lunch. There was also a subcommittee that assisted with sending out reminders to those who didn’t complete their sign ups, making sure that donors made their appointments, and completed required forms.
On the day of Jan. 21, SMW got straight to work at 6 a.m. where the chairpersons, SMW members, and the advisors helped set up tables, chairs, and make numerous posters giving directions. They finished setting up in the North Gym at around 6:45 a.m. During the blood drive, members of SMW were assigned different jobs, such as delivering call-slips to students, managing check-ins, and check-outs.

SMW member Kayla Chan said, “I was a runner…I went from class to class to pass out slips to students. I would say it was pretty fun seeing other people do the same job and we were trying to see who can pass out their slips first by the end of our shift. There was also a job I thought was interesting where you had to make sure people have eaten, because you need to eat before getting your blood drawn. Overall, it was really fun because during my shift.”
Senior Amanda Le, who participated as a donor, said “When I was donating, the staff made me feel super comfortable and safe during the whole process. They always made sure that I was doing alright during it and frequently checked up on me after I got my blood drawn. I also really wanted to donate in hopes to save another person and help others get back on their feet when they fall down.”
“Seeing the entire community come together such as teachers, staff, parents, and students, and taking time out of their busy schedule was very moving for us as a whole. What we found interesting was for some, it was even their 5th time donating blood,” said Ju and Li.
Although the weeks and days leading up to the drive were extremely stressful and work filled, the successfully donated units of blood made it worthwhile for the members of SMW.