NHS Holiday Fair

Maryam Sadeghifard, Staff Writer

Fellow Arcadia High School (AHS) students who are members of the National Honor Society (NHS), put their best effort in helping Downtown Arcadia host their annual Day of Giving. On Dec. 4, near First Avenue Middle School, Downtown Arcadia hosted its Holiday fair to help those in need. 

Working with Foothills Unity Center, Downtown Arcadia completely blocked off First Ave. to raise funds for charities. There were many events you could participate in and enjoy yourself while also supporting a good cause. This fun and lively event attracted in many Arcadians, and even our fellow NHS members got to help out Arcadia with their cause and organize all the 

“It was an honor to work with Downtown Arcadia for such an amazing cause, I was glad to be a part of it, on this day of giving,” said NHS Membership Director junior Jason Sioeng.

Items to donate consisted of canned fruit, canned pasta, individual mac and cheese boxes, protein packs, pet food, and plenty more items. For the holiday season, it was also recommended to bring puzzles, toys, and games, all new and wrapped. These donations all helped out the cause at Foothills Unity Center, which provides families in need all the necessities, and meals. The money and the items received will go to hungry children, families, struggling seniors, disabled, and unhoused people. 

There was even a chance to win a holiday surprise at the food drive. They were offering the chance to win a one night stay at Le Meridien with $150 credit, along with a pair of tickets to the LA Lakers, Kings, or Clippers.

There were many fun activities, including food & beverages and places to go shopping, like “Breathe of Light,” “Genovea Boutique,” and many more little shops in Arcadia. This day of giving gave small vendors and local shop owners a chance to be featured and gain more popularity. For the kids attending this event, there were little games they could play, such as water balloons and meeting Santa Claus. 

Also featured at the holiday fair was the AHS Pep Band, which led a parade down First Ave. in front of the middle school.

The streets were filled with Arcadians and our fellow AHS students, who all came together that day and helped those in need one step at a time. Thanks to NHS for supporting such an amazing event and shedding light on the problems of homelessness and hunger.


Photo courtesy of NHS