Thank You, Mr. Green

Linda Qiu and Bonnie Chen

What makes a great teacher? A great teacher sets appropriate expectations for all students, has clear objectives, is prepared and organized every day, is engaging, and shows his students he cares. A great teacher is a master of his subject matter, communicates frequently with parents, and stays past school hours to help those who need it.

It is not an exaggeration to say that Mr. Green is a great teacher. Even before the school year started, his prowess as an educator can be heard throughout the campus. History is a subject stereotyped as boring and bland, but with Mr. Green, it’s anything but. Since Mr. Green starts any class with energy and zeal, the students can’t help but respond in turn.

With every year that passes in high school, we all seem to get busier. There is no doubt that one would be worried about the workload from their new teachers; Mr. Green’s consideration and experience have decreased this burden considerably. A homework assignment Mr. Green frequently gives is to complete notes on a section of a history textbook. It may sound simple and easy, but for many students completing these notes is an arduous process that takes at least an hour and a half to complete. Mr. Green knows that some of his students attend many extracurriculars and AP classes, so he always reminds the class that if they’re too busy to complete the notes on a particular day, they can just quickly scan through the section, jot down the vocabulary words, and shoot him an email so he doesn’t call on them the next day in class when they review the notes.

Mr. Green’s consideration keeps his students at ease in the classroom, but another aspect of his teaching that is even more impressive is his mastery of the subject. He demonstrates his knowledge with ease, from easily naming the dates of historical events when asked to or rapidly listing a string historical figures and their accomplishments from the top of his head. Even when students ask him about current events, he responds with careful thought and rationality based on the events of the past.

It will for sure be very pleasant and fortunate for a student to have Mr. Green as one of their teachers. His presence in school helped many people better appreciate the dedication and effort that teachers put into educating students.