How to Have an Eco-Friendly Halloween

Vritti Godani, Staff Writer

Halloween is one of the most environmentally destructive holidays and over 250 million tons of waste is produced every year. With all the environmental threats that the Earth is facing right now, more waste is the last thing we need. Conveniently, waste from costumes, pumpkins, and treats can be reduced while still maintaining the fun and spooky Halloween vibes. Here are some ways on how to reduce waste this Halloween and help mother nature:

Sustainable Costumes:

The average Halloween costume costs around $86. Most people who buy Halloween costumes don’t use their costumes again and they find a new home in the landfill. Not only are you wasting money on buying a costume, but you’re also increasing the waste products which contribute to pollution, water contamination, and climate change. Making a Halloween costume out of clothes that you already have is a great way to keep your costume sustainable. Freshman Melanie Borrayo says that she “loves using clothes she already has because it saves her money.” You save money while saving the Earth. Another way to keep your costume sustainable is to rent your costume. There are tons of stores that allow you to rent a costume that allows the costume to be reused the next year. Thrifting your costume is also a great way to save the environment by reusing clothing while also saving your wallet because it’s usually cheap. Thrift stores have a wide variety of clothing and shoes, so you are sure to find something of your liking. 


If you have a costume that uses a lot of makeup, you may also be causing a lot of damage to the environment. Chemicals found in makeup can be harmful to wildlife such as fish, rabbits, bears and many more. Buying your makeup supplies and reusing them every year helps reduce waste and preserve wildlife. If you do want to buy makeup, buy organic makeup which is made mostly by farmers without any synthetic chemicals and fertilizers. It’s not only beneficial to your skin, but also to the Earth because it reduces water pollution because the amount of harmful chemicals that are exposed to rivers and lakes is reduced. 


To some people, decorations are EVERYTHING during the spooky season. However, buying new decorations produces the most waste during Halloween. You should be keeping and reusing your old decorations because it saves your wallet and reduces plastic waste. Another option is using LED lights are eco-friendly. They last longer than other lightbulbs and are recyclable. Your local farmers market may also have some handmade eco-friendly decorations that are super cute and exclusive. If you don’t like anything at the store or the farmers market, then make your own decor using eco-friendly materials! 

Trick-or-treat bags:

I don’t know one person who doesn’t enjoy trick-or-treating. I mean, who doesn’t want free candy? Almost every family goes trick-or-treating on Halloween and one way to reduce waste while still enjoying trick-or-treating is to carry reusable bags or pillowcases instead of plastic bags that are disposable and non-biodegradable.

Halloween can be fun, but it also can be eco-friendly at the same time. Even though I already introduced some ways to have a sustainable Halloween, there are still an infinite amount of things that you can do to have a fun Halloween such as healthier food, and environmentally friendly parties. Happy Halloween!