Looking at Bad Fanfiction

Robinson Lee, Staff Writer

The world of fanfiction is a wondrous place where writers can have fun as they write their favorite characters in all different situations. Unfortunately, not all of these stories are gems; in fact there is a whole world of stories with repetitive tropes, horrible storylines, or grammar that disgraces the English language as a whole. Now you can find bad fanfiction on platforms from Fanfiction.net, Wattpad, and Archive of Our Own, but this article will go far and beyond to reach into the deepest parts of the human mind and scrape the bottom of the barrel all while keeping it PG.

Have you ever thought that Harry Potter was too heretical? Did you read Sorcerers Stone and think that this book was not wholesomely Christian enough? Were you ever afraid that reading Harry Potter would lead you and your friends to practicing the dark arts to bring Satan into this world? Well, fortunately for you, there is a wholesome, family-friendly, white-washed adaptation of Harry Potter named, “Hogwarts School of Prayers and Miracles”. This adaptation aims to throw out everything you loved about Harry Potter and replace it with a surprisingly humorous Christian version of the world of Harry Potter. Changes such as changing Dumbledore to Reverend Dumbledore and replacing magic with the power of prayer make this one stand out. Honestly, reading a quote from the fanfiction explains it all, “Hagrid laughed wisely. ‘Evolution is a fairytale. You don’t really believe that, do you?’ ‘Yes I, do,’ Aunt Petunia screeched. ‘Well then prove it!’ Aunt Petunia could only stare at him, and her big mouth hung open dumbly. Here she thought she was so educated… but she couldn’t even prove her religion.”

The next fanfiction is “Starved” by dirtybandaid, and this one was found on Archive of Our Own. The fanfiction seems to be heartfelt at first, covering the inner monologue of a young Dylan as he deals with his eating disorders. The fanfiction sees him go through his daily routine in school while showing him reflecting on his weight until it ends with him being hurt over a broken relationship with a friend. Like other fanfictions, it seems to be average, riddled with grammatical issues here and there while being pretty bland. It seems to be relatively unspectacular until you read the tags, “Eric Harris/Dylan Klebold, Columbine AU.” That’s right, this fanfiction is the prelude to a romance fanfiction series starring the boys who committed the Columbine shootings. The author of this fanfiction sees no problem with the situation and defends their work by stating at the beginning of the fanfiction, “I DO NOT CONDONE/PROMOTE/GLORIFY/ ANY CRIMINAL ACTIVITY.” By all logical means this should not exist, but the imagination of the human mind ceases to amaze.
The world of fanfiction is a deep, endless hole where light doesn’t reach the bottom. Of course, there is comparably worse fanfiction such as one featuring Jesus and Hitler in a romance and Ben Shapiro as the Hamburger Helper, but we need to keep it clean here at Pow Wow. The lesson learned from these horrid examples of fanfictions? Not all ideas are good when set down in fine print.