Some Motivation, If You Need It

Kayli Mak, Staff Writer

With a powerful exhale and an almost miraculous feat of strength, you pull yourself out of the warm comfort of your bed. Your alarm is calling you to a whole new world, with hyperbolas and ellipses, instead of the rainbows and unicorns of your dreams. You try to convince yourself that you can make it; there are only about a hundred days left in the school year. That still seems like too much. Your lower body returns to its rightful place beneath the covers. Waking up is definitely not worth the pain.

Alas, experiencing freedom on a school day is against the law. That’s truancy. Anyway, you’ve made it through five months, and it would be a terrible waste if you gave up now. 

Now, you may be counting the days until the last day of school, but until that time, you are going to need a way to survive the rest of the year.

In certain cases, it is better to think of the rest of the day rather than the rest of the year. If you can remain alive through the presentation, test, and quiz you have today, those are three things you do not have to worry about for the rest of the day. Then, you can be somewhat less stressed than before. If you think about the rest of the year, the extremely extended period of time can be extraordinarily disheartening. If you think about the rest of the day, it will not seem as incredibly long and tedious. As a warning, it is not a good idea to completely forget about the rest of the semester. Not to give you anxiety or anything, but you still need to plan for the rest of the year.

Perhaps the real problem is that you think that school has to be “survived”. To gain a more positive outlook on the whole learning ordeal, you are going to need inspiration. Of course, you can’t just give yourself a cupcake and automatically be “inspired” to work hard. It is a little harder than that. Inspiration to complete the school year can come from anything. You could have an epiphany about the importance of school to the rest of your life. You could be motivated to work harder by intimidatingly intelligent classmates. In the end, your drive can come from just about anything,

After everything is said and done, nothing can force you to do well in school, or even to get out of bed. However, if you survive the rest of today, you can survive the rest of the year. You can sleep in a couple of decades.