7 Ways To Overcome Writer’s Block


Emily Banuelos, Staff Writer

There are so many different ways you can get distracted when writing a research paper. The key is to just focus on the assignment and type but, if you wait until an idea comes into your mind, it might be too late and time may not be on your side. Luckily, there are many methods that can improve the writer’s block. Below are seven tips. 


  • Change Your Environment


Working in an environment with high noise levels, multiple technology devices, and other individuals in a room can potentially overstimulate the brain causing loss of focus. Thus, extra consideration should be taken when selecting a room that will assist the writer to remain on task and motivated. A way to stay motivated is to surround our work environment with inspirational quotes, messages, or pictures of people who inspire us. 

  1.   Move Your Body

Dancing is really good for your body, and it also gets your mind moving. Your attention span is also better when it’s at a peaceful state. Join your friend for a run or walk for ten to fifteen minutes to relax your mind. To practice you can do some breathing exercises and meditation. This can possibly influence the creative side of the brain allowing for creative writing.

  1.   Free Writing

Everyday take some time to write freely on a paper for fifteen to twenty minutes whatever comes first to your mind and don’t worry about grammar. Your writing can have a variety of subjects because later on you can always use one of your creative ideas for a new writing project. To add on, this process gives the words in the back of your brain a place to go either on your journal or computer screen. 

  1. Use the Pomodoro Technique

The developer, Franceso Cirllo stated, “people are most productive in 25-minute blocks.” So, get your phone and set a timer for twenty-five minutes or download the productivity timer app in order to help you stay on task and focused. During this time, you cannot check emails, messages, make phone calls, etc. After the twenty-five minutes are up you can take a hard earned break. 

  1. Creating a Routine

Much of your writing creativity comes down to the time you have or are given. To make sure you have enough time to write and go to work or run errands it’s important to create a daily routine to accomplish what you have to get done. Using a calendar or an agenda to manage your events for each day and commit to your writing will help you a lot. 

  1. Read

Getting inspiration can come from your favorite writers. Reading may not be your forte but, before you write reading a couple chapters from a book can give your mind a new set of words. It does not have to be a chapter book, it can be poetry or short essays.This will also give you a new perspective and mindset. 

  1.   Its OK to be Flawed

Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. Your first draft should not be perfect and do not worry so much about grammar or punctuation. Just start writing and the right words will come . As time goes on your writing will progress.