Sonic the Hedgehog

Paul Lee, Writer

Creating live-action adaptations of popular video game and cartoon franchises is not an easy task for filmmakers; sometimes they get it right, but most of the time, as in the case of the new Sonic the Hedgehog trailer, they get it utterly wrong.

The movie is based on the Sonic the Hedgehog video game series, which originated all the way back in the 90s. In the games, you assume the role of Sonic, a speedy, mischievous blue hedgehog that runs and jumps through a wide variety of worlds to defeat his arch nemesis, Dr. Eggman. The premise of the upcoming movie stays true to its roots; however, the character design of Sonic completely deviates from its appearance in its games. Just imagine a multi-billion dollar studio kidnapping your childhood memories by making your beloved video game character into literal nightmare fuel, and you’ll understand why the Internet is reacting so negatively to Sonic’s new character design.

How could a tiny, blue puffball be the stuff of nightmares? Well, a simple side-by-side comparison of the Sonic in the trailer and the video game caricature makes it obvious! Sonic should have unnaturally big emerald-green eyes, blue fur that covers most of his body, furless sleeves, short skinny legs, a pair of white gloves with sock-life cuffs, and huge red sneakers with white cuffs around the ankles. Instead, the Sonic that we are given in the trailer is an abomination. The problem with Sonic is its humanoid proportions. The hands aren’t even gloves but white, furry fingers. The sleeve part is also blue instead of white. Sonic has on some generic Nike sneakers instead of his iconic pointy, red sneakers. And eyes and teeth are just distracting and traumatizing. He has a mouth full of human teeth and a pair of small, human eyes! All in all, Sonic’s design is just bafflingly terrible.

Fortunately, Jeff Fowler, the director of the upcoming Sonic movie, has been listening to the widespread backlash from the community and tweeted, “The message is loud and clear… you aren’t happy with the design & you want changes. It’s going to happen. Everyone at Paramount & Sega are fully committed to making this character the BEST he can be.” Maybe if Fowler is able to make Sonic’s design better, we would see this trailer under a whole new light. The community would not think that Paramount is just rushing to put out this movie without consideration of the fans, the character, and Sonic’s history.

So now we’re getting good news that this might be fixed, but to what extent? We’ll find out!