The Popularity of the Teddy Jacket

Lisza Lo, Staff Writer

As the season of cold weather approaches, you have probably seen a certain jacket style being worn around school or on your Instagram feed. The teddy jacket has become super popular this season, and is best recognized by its fuzzy and soft material that resembles a teddy bear!

The teddy coat started trending in Autumn of 2017, and the most popular one was being sold under the brand I.AM.GIA. It became trendy because of its oversized look and huge front pockets, making it perfect for one to wear to keep warm during the cooler season. This year, the jacket made its comeback as I.AM.GIA released another line in collaboration with Urban Outfitters. At $110, it may not be affordable for everyone, especially when many of the prospective buyers are high school students. As a result, brands like Garage, Forever 21, and H&M introduced their own similar and inexpensive counterparts.

While different brands have their own abundance of colors, the most popular shade that this jacket comes in would have to be the iconic caramel-beige shade of a teddy bear. This is mainly caused by the fact that the caramel-beige color is easy to work with when coming up with outfit looks. The jacket can be pulled off by anyone who wears it since there is no “incorrect” way to style it. Due to the teddy jacket’s huge presence on social media, it has become a day-to-day sight. Influencers, such as Emma Chamberlain, can be credited for the success of this jacket style because of how often their fans see them wearing it.

Junior Brieann Chan bought a teddy jacket “because it is trending” and it “goes well with almost anything.” She likes how warm the soft material keeps her and enjoys how it feels like she is “wearing a blanket.”

As different trends come and go, it seems like the teddy jacket one is here to stay. The versatility of it is the main reason as to why it has become so prevalent in the current fashion culture. Whenever you are at the mall, be sure to take a look at this amazing piece of clothing!