Trippy Traditions

Kobe Yu, Staff Writer

Traditions are found in each and every culture. Many may seem foreign to other people, being that cultures are so diverse. These customs are passed down from generation to generation, and some are different, to say the least.

Monkey Buffet Festival

This tradition takes place in Thailand, and from the first look, you would think that it is the feasting on monkeys. In actuality, it is the opposite. Every year, locals would bring out fruits and vegetables to feed the monkey population in the Lopburi province. These long-tailed macaque monkeys are first drawn to one location with live performances and dances. They are then offered a feast filled with various Thai desserts and other treats. It is believed that this festival brings good luck to the village.

Throwing Cinnamon at Singles

If you are planning to visit Denmark and are unmarried, you better be careful. Walking down the streets, you might be attacked with eggs and a cloud of cinnamon. The egg’s purpose is to act as an adhesive for the spice. Having a tradition of tossing spices at singles, the Danes’ rituals based on singledom are celebrated because of feelings of nostalgia. If you are 30 and still unmarried, cinnamon will be upgraded to pepper.

Krampus Night

In the US, people celebrate Christmas with a thought that a warm white-bearded man with a red suit will climb down the chimney to deliver presents. On the other side of the globe, Austrians celebrate the season of giving with costumes of a half man and half goat demon named Krampus. It is believed that Krampus and his army of evil elves roam the Austrian Alps causing destruction and mayhem. Annually, the streets of Austria fill with Krampus costumes for the Krampus Parade.   

Battle of the Oranges

A few days before Fat Tuesday, also known as Mardi Gras, the people of Ivrea are divided into nine teams and dress up in war gear. Prepared for “war”, the teams meet in the streets of Ivrea. For the days leading up to Mardi Gras, the townspeople launch oranges at different teams, attempting to “kill” each other. Annually, over 500,000 pounds of oranges are used on just this one day.  

These are only a few of the many traditions celebrated around the world, all of which seem very fun and interesting. Junior May Maung celebrates the holidays with her “family going to Lake Elsinore to gather with other relatives and exchange gifts.” The world is such a big place with diverse traditions, so we should all set out and explore these different customs and gain new experiences.