Different Ways to Celebrate Valentine’s Day

Bradford Yau, Staff Writer

Along with some of the renown holidays such as Christmas and New Years, Valentines day is a holiday that is celebrated by all. Whether it be in Europe or in the United States, most people, young or old, who are in a relationship will definitely be celebrating this holiday. However, the way they go about celebrating this holiday varies from place to place.

In the romantic city that is Italy, many people actually here to spend their special day that is Valentines day. They spend the day doing things that one can only do in this city, such as eating the best Italian pasta and tasting the sweetest desserts. However, the one thing that separates this location from other venues is the Venice Canal. A calm, relaxing ride, this canal has a romantic aspect to it as well, as many couples relax together while a man guides the ship across the canal. This has been a tradition that has gone on for hundreds of years, and it definitely does not look like it is going to be slowing down anytime soon.
This is definitely a place you want to add to your Valentines Day bucket list.

Compared to previous generations, technology plays a role in how people plan out how to celebrate the day that is Valentines day. One of which is the birth of many fun and addicting apps. Pokemon Go has been a worldwide sensation since its birth in early July of 2016. As it has captivated many, it has also new perspectives on holidays, in particular on Valentines day. Couples, when connecting together, can earn double XP when walking together. “Incense”, which is a tool that helps attract more Pokemon to a person, is also available for a very cheap cost, which encourages people to spend their day catching Pokemon. Also, a one time limited Pokemon in Togepi is available for capture on this one day alone, which inspires couples to spend their day trying to reach higher levels and catch limited Pokemon. The widespread of technology has completely changed how people approach Valentines day, which seems to be for the better.

Going to the Asian Continent, there are many interesting cultural things that people do that are very different from what the U.S does. For example, in South Korea, there is a certain set of things that people have to do in order to properly gift their Valentine. Women have to gift their lover with a box of chocolates, and chocolates only. Strangely, men have to wait a month before giving their gift, which is a piece of clothing that is in the color white. This is also done in Japan, and this is their way to show that they are not falling in the cultural norms of the Western Culture and displays how they respect their loved ones.

Throughout the world, people celebrate Valentine’s day in many contrasting ways. Whether it be in Europe or Asia, many people choose to celebrate this special day in interesting ways. That is, if you have a Valentine.