The Pet For You

Giselle Yeh, Staff Writer

We humans hold close many things, whether it is a prized possession or a special person. One thing, or should I say, companion we have always kept close is a pet. Pets aren’t just animals that are trapped in a house. Pets are companions we hold beside us. The best pets are friends that stay with us wherever we go. If you are thinking of getting a pet, remember that there are many to choose from and that each pet has different characteristics. How do you know which one is the right pet for you? Here are some tips on the different pets to choose from and what to look out for.

The most common pets are dogs and cats. These are the pets that most people consider first, and they make great companions. Dogs are considered to be more active than cats and are more playful. Cats can be energetic but are lone wolves most of the time. Remember that there are different breeds of dogs and cats. Each breed acts differently. Some other things to consider when getting a dog and a cat is fur. With different breeds come different types of fur. Some may shed more often than others, and some may not shed at all.

If a big pet like a dog or cat isn’t the one for you, how about a smaller one? Some examples of small pets are birds, rabbits, fish, hamsters, and guinea pigs. Birds are fun and beautiful animals. Believe it or not, they can snuggle and repeat what you say (depending on breed and if trained). Rabbits don’t make any noise, can feed themselves, and do not have claws to damage anything. However, rabbits are hard to toilet train. Fish can be considered the easiest pets to have, they do not need attention, and only need to be fed twice a day. Hamsters are considered the “starter pet,” since even children can take care of them. Also, hamsters do not need as much attention as dogs do, making them easier to care for. The best hamster breed for children is the Syrian Hamster because it is larger than other hamster breeds. Guinea pigs are amusing little creatures that stay busy all day. Because of this, they have to be kept in a cage, which makes their activities fun to watch.

If you’re looking for a quiet pet, there are many to choose from. Some best known quiet pets are fish, rabbits, guinea pigs, lovebirds, Persian cats, Grey Hound dogs, Parrots, and Siamese cats. One thing to keep in mind when getting a pet in getting any pet is responsibility. Pets aren’t toys that can be bought and thrown away. Pets are living things that can stand in as a companion much like a human can. When adopting a pet, make sure you are ready to take care of it until the end. With so many different types of pets out there, I’m sure you’ll find the pet that’s right for you!