Most Ironic Moments in History

Justin Chen, Staff Writer

Irony is everywhere, and ironic events always occur over the years. Some are amusing and are rather sad, but they were all ultimately very ironic. Here’s some of the world’s most ironic events throughout history.

First, the founder of Match, Gary Kremen, lost his girlfriend to a boy she met on the online dating website. Match was not very popular when it was first founded. Thus, he made everyone in his company create a profile on his site. Including his girlfriend. You can probably see where it all went wrong.

Next, 315 entries in Webster’s 1996 dictionary were misspelled, even though the dictionary is supposed to be the place where you look up the correct spelling of words. No one really knows why and how so many words were spelled incorrectly, and Merriam Webster company has not made any comments on the situation either.

Moving on, a party full of lifeguards in New Orleans were celebrating a year without a single incident until a guest at the party, Jerome Moody, was found by the department director, Madlyn Richard, at the bottom of the deep end of the department pool. Not much is known on how he drowned with four lifeguards on duty.

Another ironic moment in history was when Charlie Chaplin, the infamous comedic silent film actor, entered a Charlie Chaplin look-alike contest and didn’t even make it to the finals. In 1975, a few years before his death, Charlie Chaplin decided to enter in a Charlie Chaplin look-alike contest in France and won third. Apparently he thought he could win some easy prize money and everyone would have a laugh at the end. He lost due to the judges not recognizing Charlie due to his baby blue eyes, since his shows were always in black and white.

Finally, in 1976, Barry Manilow sang a hit song called “I Write the Songs”, but he didn’t actually write that song. His hit-single was actually written by Bruce Johnston, and his song even became the number one hit-song in the Billboard Hot 100 in January.

Overall, irony is everywhere in our world, and most of the time you won’t even see it coming. But when you eventually do recognize it, it hits you with a casual “lol”.