Reasons to Visit the Jelly Belly Factory

Anncine Lin, Staff Writer

The Jelly Belly Factory is located on the outskirts of San Francisco. I visited the last time I went to San Francisco, and I can honestly say it was a really interesting experience! Here are a few reasons why I would recommend going for tourists like me.

Free Candy!

To those of you who are friends with me on Facebook (which is probably none of you since I rarely use Facebook), you may have noticed that I “checked in” at the Jelly Bean Factory. Right when we walked into the building, we saw signs telling us to check in on Facebook to receive a free bag of Jelly Beans. And who would turn down free candy?

You can see the inside of an actual working factory!

If you are lucky enough to be able to visit on a weekday, you will be able to oversee the factory employees doing their job. The way the tour is built, it has a bridge-like structure above the working area, allowing you to get a birds-eye view of the inside of the factory.

It’s informational

Even though information about food may not be interesting to you, it is still important to know just what exactly you’re eating. The tour is self-guided, with TV’s playing short films about a minute long. As you walk past that specific section in the factory, the TV gives an overview of what goes on in that area.

The colossal Jelly Bean store located in the extension next to the factory

Walking through the gigantic candy shop was probably the highlight of my trip. Near the outside of the shop, there was a counter where they allow you to pick three flavors to test, and you were always allowed to go back for more! At the back of the shop, there was a whole row of candy dispensers, and you could just fill a bag with whatever you wanted. There also were lots of limited edition flavors that you could buy.

In conclusion, if you ever have a chance to visit San Francisco, you should definitely add the Jelly Belly Factory to your trip itinerary!