Senior Week: The End of a Chapter


Ashley Lee, Staff Writer

Summer is soon arriving, and the year is quickly winding to an end. The majority of the student body will be returning in the fall, but the seniors will soon be off to start new adventures. To celebrate the end of their high school career, the senior class participated an exclusive Senior Week this past week. This is a time for all to enjoy one last time together as a Senior Class, foraging memories to be looked back on as they continue their next chapter in life.

Senior year is an important milestone in high school; it entails a time of reflection, “lasts”, accomplishment, and lasting memories. Each step taken is one to be remembered and held on to. The week started off with a Pajama dress up–perfect for a Monday back from the weekend. An ice cream social was held after school, where students brought their college rejection letters to redeem ice cream. It was an engaging way for students to socialize while being rewarded for the hard work put into the college application process.

On Senior Summer Tuesday, the seniors decked out in Hawaiian gear, ready to dive into the hot summer weather. A Luau Picnic was held in the evening, and it was a special time of community for the soon-to-be graduates. They enjoyed pizza and various picnic foods while accompanied by Hawaiian tunes performed by a DJ and student performers.

Each year, seniors look forward to the time where they share their college decisions with each other and join with the others attending the same school with them in the fall. College Wednesday especially celebrated their new schools as they proudly wore their college gear to school. The day ended with a college chalking event, where students excitedly plastered the S-Building courtyard with their future college. Students also connected with those who will be attending the same schools. (Their chalking masterpieces are still there, if you would like to be inspired!)

While senior year marks a time for celebration and a progression into a new chapter, it is also a time for goodbyes. Farewell Thursday took students for a walk into the past, as they looked back onto their past memories. Seniors dressed up in middle school attire on Farewell Thursday, throwing it back to the ole’ days. An organized dodgeball tournament was held at lunch, where participants competed as First Avenue, Dana, or Foothills Middle School. To top off the end of a successful Senior Week, the seniors enjoyed a movie drive-in and captured last memories together as a class.

To the class of 2018: you’ve made it. You’ve reached the end of your journey, and you’re off to embark a new one. You’ll be missed here at AHS, but we are excited as you start a new chapter in your lives!

Photo courtesy of ASB