Is Snapchat Dying?


Ganga Prasanth, Staff Writer

How long has it been since you’ve last used Snapchat for anything besides streaks? Have you noticed how the number of users is slowly decreasing? Believe it or not, Snapchat is actually dying, and its owners don’t know how to stop it. But first, let’s look more in depth exactly why Snapchat is dying.


    First of all, the number of stories people have been posting have shown zero growth, and even its total user growth has been sluggish. It’s location sharing has actually contributed to a major part of the slow growth, as no one likes the idea that their every move is being monitored by not only the app, but possibly also their friends. It takes away the feeling of privacy. Because of that, Snapchat users declined by 11%, which led to the slight drop in Snapchat value.

    Not only that, but Snapchat uses up a lot of time. Scrolling through multiple Snaps and going through the news can be quite time-consuming, and many Snapchatters decided to decline their use so as to slow their addiction.

    But the biggest problem? The Instagram/Facebook takeover. Ever since Instagram got a feature very similar to Snapchat, the growth of Snapchat has declined. When Facebook was rejected when they tried to buy Snapchat, they instead started studying this app and used similar features on their own app— Instagram. Because of this takeover, Instagram has gained more popularity with users, as it’s also easier to connect accounts from Facebook than starting all over on Snapchat. Because of this, Snapchat’s revenues have been declining.

    Snapchat’s latest mistake was their redesign. Many Snapchatters hate the new design and call it “annoying”. Snapchat recently tried to fix their mess by creating a list where stories are up on top, subscriptions in the middle, and recommendations more on the bottom. But many people still agree that it is a mess, and consequently Snapchat lost many users.

    When will Snapchat really die? Unless they make a great comeback to their rivalry against Instagram, it looks like Snapchat will only keep declining for next few years until the user count is too low for it to gain popularity again. So be prepared to get some fresh flowers, so you can put them on the grave of the soon-to-be-dead Snapchat.