Choir May Show


Ashley Lee, Staff Writer

The common saying, “April showers bring May flowers,” reminds us of one of the most important virtues of nature: even the most unpleasant things can bring about enjoyable things. In the midst of the stressful past two months focused on college acceptance letters, AP testing, and finals, the school year seems to finally be winding down. Yet, the end of this school year calls for a time of celebration—a time to reflect and recognize the accomplishments and achievements made throughout the year.

In celebration of a successful year, our award-winning choral department will be presenting its annual May Show on May 25 and 26 at 7:00 p.m. The first day will feature full group numbers from all choral groups, including their competition show sets they have worked hard on during their season. In addition, senior members will also be performing solo pieces. On the following day, the audience will have the opportunity to enjoy more individual performances, which will showcase smaller groups, solos, and different cabaret numbers, also known as floor shows. This show is a treat for all, as family and friends are able to enjoy the hard work and commitment the singers have put in the past year as well as see the final work that is produced. Chanteurs member sophomore Filbert Aung is “looking forward to finally perform pieces of [his] own choosing.” After spending “weeks and even months to prepare for the opportunity to showcase [their] own work,” he is ecstatic to be able to perform for his family and friends. For seniors, this is a bittersweet moment, as it celebrates the closure of yet another season spent with their choir family.

To recap the past year, the competing group, Chanteurs, had a successful run during its multiple competitions around the area. It placed 5th at the Los Alamitos Xtravaganza and 6th at the Burbank Blast! competition in March. On Feb. 10, the Choral Department also had the honor of hosting the annual Pow-Wow Show Choir Competition right here at AHS. The PAC welcomed various schools from around the local region to participate in this prestigious competition. There were hundreds of performers at this annual competition, bringing the PAC alive with song and dance.

Tickets are only $10 each, and choir members would love to have your support at their show this three-day weekend! Good luck to all performers!

Photo courtesy of MIKAYLA HWEE