ASB Elections


Braden Wong, Staff Writer

As April comes to a close, ASB elections are nearing their completion, with dozens of qualified candidates vying for some of the most hotly contested leadership positions available on campus. The road to being elected is not easy, but the thrill of campaigning and bringing people together ultimately makes it a venture of immense payoff.

The process of ASB elections is relatively straightforward. Preliminary elections were held on April 18 and 19 for any positions with three or more candidates until the final two are left. Final elections then ensue on April 25 to determine the final winner. During this time, posters, backpack tags, stickers, and other campaigning materials flood the Arcadia campus, as it is the only allowed opportunity for students to campaign.

Most interestingly, however, has been ASB’s implementation of new policy changes regarding the voting process. The previous system, which comprised of physical voting booths with monitored Chromebooks, will now be replaced by a completely digitized system distributed by email. The access to these voting mechanisms will be extended as well, lasting the entire day instead of opening during morning and lunch. Since voting is tied to each student’s email, voting will also remain secure and accurate in gauging the overall success of candidates.

These policy changes have marked a completely new dynamic for voting. When asked for its driving inspiration, Executive Vice President Jefferson Yin noted that “the new voting system is inspired by the absentee ballot for the actual presidential ballot,” so there is reason to be “incredibly excited about this advancement, as the added freedom of location and time should hopefully increase voter turnout and school spirit in a fair and honest way.”

With the new election season in force, Arcadia’s future ASB holds certain promise and excitement and with it comes a wave of great trust and faith to maintain Arcadian excellence and spirit for the year to come. As student voices are heard and votes are cast, we wish all the candidates the best of luck in their elections for office!

Image Courtesy of ASB.AUSD.NET