How Color Affects Your Mood

Kaitlin Lee, Staff Writer

Have you ever heard the phrases “I’m feeling very blue today” or “She was seeing red?” These are classic sayings that relate color to moods. Several studies have indicated that there is more of a connection between colors and moods than you may know. In fact, there is a form of therapy called chromotherapy that uses colors to help a patient’s mood and mental health. And even though there have not been enough studies to definitively tie colors to mood, it is still an interesting subject to analyze.

White is said to induce a calming, safe, quiet, and pure environment. For instance, advertisements often use white sheets to induce a sense of home and safety. This could be because white could indicate a new beginning, a blank slate if you will, and can create a sense of space. However, white can also seem cold, bland, and sterile. For instance, hospital walls are often painted white to induce a sterile feeling.

Red is often described to induce a strong feeling of excitement and energy, as well as confidence and passion. For instance, women in red dresses or with red hair are often seen as fiery and passionate. Take for instance Jessie from the Toy Story trilogy or Ariel from The Little Mermaid, two female characters with red hair and outgoing, active personalities. Red also induces feelings of fun, as Coca-Cola ads use red to highlight fun moments with friends or family.

On the other hand, blue is a calming, serene color. It’s a sign of reliability and stability for businesses, and there is even proof that people are more productive in a room with blue walls. Also, blue can possibly help with weight loss, as some dietitians advise people to eat off blue plates because of how unappetizing the color is. On the other hand, blue is related to aloofness or depression. For instance, Lighter Blue, a social media education campaign about depression, uses blue as a symbol of the mental illness.

Green is a cool color that symbolizes nature and well-being. For instance, the television channel Animal Planet uses green in its symbol. Researchers have found that green can help read more easily, as the color helps with comprehension and reading speed, and like blue has a calming effect.

Although these are not all of the colors that can affect mood, these are the most common in today’s society. You can constantly see their influence in media like commercials and even apply to some aspects of life that you never knew. So the next time you see a bright color on a screen or while shopping, take a moment to recognize why you’re seeing that color in the first place.