National I am in Control Day

Crystal Chin, Staff Writer

On March 30, national “I Am in Control” Day will commemorate the day of Ronald Reagan’s assassination attempt. After the attack, Reagan was taken to the hospital where the Secretary of State Alexander Haig made history as he stated, “I am in control here”, taking over for Reagan as he was recuperating. Today, “I Am in Control Day” is celebrated by planning methods and taking action in order to regain control over one’s life. There are many self-care tips on the Internet that have helped many get back on track to lead their lives how they want them to be. Some of these tips are:


  1. Create a plan/goal
    1. Making a checklist of what you need to do, you can easily check off any goals or achievements no matter how small they may seem. Even if your goals start off small, you can take pride in at least taking the beginning steps to direct your life into a better state that you would like it to be in.


  1. Fix the external problems
    1. Whether it’s organizing your desk, cleaning up around the house, or picking up something from the store that you’ve been forgetting for days, fixing up the problems surrounding you will help clear your mind. After getting on top of small things you can easily fix in your life, you will feel a huge weight lift off of your shoulders.


  1. Tackle the internal struggles
    1. This one might be the hardest step since not all internal issues can be solved right away. However, it’s important to start small such as complimenting yourself in at least making the effort to get your life back on track. Many problems take time and may seem frustrating, but constant jabs at the conflict will eventually solve or alleviate it.


Hopefully, you will celebrate national “I Am in Control Day” to have better reign over your life!