Team Quotes: Golf


Justin Chen, Writer

  1. How has the team been practicing and preparing for their upcoming season?

Coach Gund: “We just started but we are doing great so far with short game practice, which I think is going to be the key to our success this season. I feel like the boys are having fun so far and maintaining focus as well, so they know what our goals are for the season and I think they’re going to do their best to try to reach them.”


  1. How have you been practicing and preparing for the upcoming season?

Joshua Kwon (10): “I’ve started working a lot more with my outside coach. I’ve been doing my best to maintain my strengths and strengthen my weaknesses in order to keep my whole golf game consistent.”


Warren Oetejo (10): “I’ve been practicing outside individually by myself. I especially practice my short game a lot more because I know it is my weakness. My motivation for the season is to be number one on the gold team no matter the cost but more importantly to beat Joshua Kwon.”


Jerry Wu (10): “I’ve been just trying to become healthy again and practice what I need to practice and fix my weaknesses from last year because this year is crucial to me for college commitments.”


Warren Lin (9): “I’ve been trying to work on my short game, working on my wedges, and hitting the ball straighter overall. Also I’m trying to not miss easy five footers as those really do add up in tournaments.


  1. What are some strengths and weaknesses of the team?

Elliot Yoo (10): Some strengths of the team are our bonds with each other, as we know each other so well and are all such great friends. Our weakness however is definitely in our short game. So many strokes are lost due to careless mistakes that can easily be fixed.

Maxwell Montemayor (9): I think the team messes around too much, which definitely could be fixed but I’m glad that everyone practices outside of school. Pretty much, I think the team should just focus more during practices.


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