Tips on Choosing Your Major

Cynthia Lin, Staff Writer

College is coming up for many students, and for some, choosing a major to study can be quite nerve-racking. For those who are debating between multiple majors and interests, this article may shed a little light on how to decide on your major.

What exactly is a major? A major is a specialized field of study that one will devote most of his or her time to in a college or university. That major will usually predict a career path; however, keep in mind that plenty of people have found jobs that did not utilize or need their major in college. As the U.S. Department of Labor states, the average worker in their twenties “switches jobs once every three years, and the average person changes career fields two or three times in their lifetime.”

Even so, choosing a major will definitely prepare you for a future in your desired career path or study. Before you decide and declare your major, it is recommended by the Princeton Review to “take a class or two in the relevant discipline, check out the syllabus for an advanced seminar, and talk to students in the department of your choice.” This way you can get a feel for the subject you would like to major in and in addition, the college classes you will have to take in that specific major.

Furthermore, you should consider the earning potential of your major. According to, “the majors that lead to the highest salaries include just about any type of engineering, actuarial mathematics, computer science, physics, statistics, government, and economics.” Ask questions that include your happiness with your life if you were to go down that career path.

Remember to choose a subject you truly love and enjoy. College will be very painful if you spend four years studying something you hate. Entering a career you personally enjoy will lead to better academics, relationships with peers, and a happier life in general. From the Princeton Review, “If you love what you’re studying, you’re more likely to fully engage with your classes and college experience.”

If you are still undecided on your major, try exploring and diversifying your views on majors. Many colleges will give you a lot of time—most do not require the declaration of a major until sophomore year. Try to take general education courses that truly interest you. Another method would be to read nonfiction books and articles on subjects that interest you academically. In addition, you can utilize summer time to dive deeper into subjects. According to, “Internships, camps, classes at community colleges, and volunteering opportunities are all excellent chances to become more immersed in subjects you may not regularly study at school.” So go out and experience the topics you love to find a major that truly suits you!