Peer Tutoring at AHS

Justin Chen, Staff Writer

As a student, it is common to sometimes feel overwhelmed and confused by homework. The sense of being trapped and isolated from a social life can be depressing at times. When asked what they dislike the most about school, high school students will almost always answer, “the homework.” Fortunately, AHS has a solution.

Whether you don’t understand how to do your math homework, or need someone to look over your English essay, Peer Tutoring is here for you. Peer Tutoring is hosted at the AHS Library every day after school. Peer Tutoring is hosted from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. everyday of the week, and the tutors are your fellow students, setting aside their time to help you with your school work. And the best part? It’s free. This free tutoring service has served as a reason for why students like junior Joshua Lam say, “Peer Tutoring has changed the way I approach homework. I no longer see it as a mountain of homework i must single handedly climb over, because my peer tutor has provided me with the help that I need to easily breeze through my assignments.” Not only has Josh been “getting more sleep,” but he also states that when he is confused with a concept from class, his “peer tutor is always there to help me understand what I misinterpreted in class.” Joshua himself has demonstrated that Peer Tutoring can really help someone who is having trouble in school, without the inconvenience of having to find other sorts of outside help.

Moving on, sophomore Dylan Chan also noted that Peer Tutoring doesn’t just help him with school, but he has also “created new friendships” from the service. He mentioned, “Peer Tutoring has helped me meet new people that didn’t just help me with math, they also became my friend.” At Peer Tutoring, the atmosphere not only promotes learning, but also keeps the stress levels of students low, allowing for students to brighten up and create new friendships. Dylan also notes, “Peer Tutoring helps me stay on task because at home I get distracted on my computer.” Because of the friendly and casual vibes created by the Peer Tutors, students don’t just find homework as intimidating, they also are more focused and have immediate help at their side.

Overall, Peer Tutoring at AHS is an amazing way to assist you if you are struggling in school or if you just need a place to help you focus more, while not being bored to death.