Empowerment and Independence


Sage Guzman, Staff Writer

As you may or may not know, October is Disability Awareness Month. In celebration, one of California’s largest disability awareness organizations, Asian and Pacific Islanders with Disabilities of California (APIDC) hosted its first ever annual “Walk n’ Roll” on Oct. 15 in the beautiful city of Alhambra. The APIDC is a nonprofit organization whose visions is to bring publicity to and strengthen Asians and Pacific Islanders who may have certain physical, mental, or developmental disabilities. Their vision is to assist families of those who may have these conditions that may limit their capabilities of doing things that the regular healthy person may be capable of doing. APIDC hopes to spread their positive cause and to create a community to encourage empowerment and independence. 

In light of its annual “Walk n’ Roll”, volunteers and members alike were out and setting up before 9:00 a.m on the Sunday of the fair. This festive community event included a walk/run, roll for those on wheelchairs, food vendors, resource tables and educational activity booths. These activities were all designed and staffed by APIDC’s Youth Leadership Institute graduates.

Starting on Fremont Avenue and continuing along the main streets, the event also featured entertainment from various accomplished artists, including a guest performance from our very own Orchesis Dance Company! APIDC invited our AHS Orchesis dancers to perform a total of two pieces. One was their Bollywood-inspired dance, and the other was a dance that they performed with classical singer-songwriter Chris Mann during the Inaugural Gala on Sept. 16 at the PAC. Everyone from the APIDC members to the volunteers and disabled guests enjoyed the display of our dancers’ amazing talent!

Other entertainers included people with actual disabilities who followed their dreams despite their challenging circumstances. The disabled community proved themselves as much stronger than what most people often think, conquering everyday obstacles that most people don’t even realize are struggles. Orchesis was honored to be a part of an amazing event with such an empowering purpose and goal. This performance commended those living with disabilities, as well as their loved ones who show unconditional love and support. This was the first of many disability awareness events to come, and was overall a very successful one. APIDC can’t wait for the next “Walk n’ Roll”, and for those who missed their chances to attend, don’t miss your chance next year! Hopefully Orchesis will be invited back next year as well to join the APIDC community in commemorating the disabled and all that they accomplish!

Photo courtesy of APIDC