The Arcadia High School (AHS) Homecoming Assembly was held on Oct. 11 at 9 a.m. in Salter Stadium. Each grade was packed into the stands with the sun shining so bright onto the stadium.
The assembly started off with ASB President senior Amber Cheung introducing the Marching Band and Colorguard performance in the middle of the field. In this performance, the Band played their pieces of “Tempered Steel”, “Not Alone”, and “Once More Unto the Breach” alongside Colorguard’s flags.
After this performance, the ASB Spirit Commissioner senior Kelly Fong then announced the 2024-2025 Homecoming Court. The freshman Princess and Prince, Olivia Ho and Ethan Chow, were introduced first with a round of applause. They were then followed by the sophomore royalty, Princess Lura Summer and Prince Aaron Mercado. Next to come out was junior royalty, Princess Kathy Bai and Prince Raeden Kwong. Finally, the senior Princesses, Alyssa Bang, Simone Ball, Evelyn He and Rianna Marquez were announced, followed by the senior Princes Jackson Bailey, Joshua Kim, Marcus Loo.

After all royalties were introduced, they participated in a game to test the court’s teamwork skills. The rules of the game were each pair to spin around until they got really dizzy, then the prince would try to throw a hula hoop around the princess. When the prince got the hula hoop over the princess, he would then have to put on a sack and hop to the finish line. After many struggles from each royalty court participant, this game eventually ended with seniors Bang and Bailey securing the win.
Even though the freshmen court didn’t win, Ho was still glad that she was able to participate in the royalty court games.
“I felt nervous at first, but during the game I felt okay,” said Ho. “It went by pretty fast and overall I had fun.”
Following the game was the Pep Squad Song and Cheer team. This performance was filled with many tricks and flips by the Cheer team and even an impressive in sync kick line from the Song team.
Later, ASB Athletic Commissioner senior Reena Hsieh introduced the AHS fall sport teams: Coed Varsity Cross Country, Boys Varsity Water Polo, Girls Varsity Golf, Girls Varsity Tennis, Girls Varsity Volleyball, and Boys Varsity Football. Each team had their own unique celebratory cheer. For example, the Girls Varsity Golf team ran out with all the plaques and trophies they’ve collected over the years.
“It was very exciting because I knew we were going to have a lot of fun and show our team spirit in front of the whole school,” said sophomore Erin Sun, outside hitter for Girls Varsity Volleyball.
When all the sports teams were introduced, the Orchesis Dance Company performed a dance routine with the song “I Dare You.”
Once the crowd had settled down, another game was played, this time between volunteers from each grade level. The rules of the game were that each member from the grade level team had to hold one balloon and couldn’t drop the balloon. If they dropped the balloons, they would have to freeze in place for three seconds. Each player had to be connected with the balloon in a straight line, meaning that a balloon had to be touching someone’s back and another teammate’s stomach. This game tested each of the grade level’s teamwork with each other. Ultimately, the seniors secured the win.
After this game, there was another performance by Pep Cheer and Orchesis Dance Company. The dance collaboration was performed to the song “Mamushi.”
Toward the end of the assembly, the Homecoming king and queen were finally announced. After a long anticipation, Bang and Bailey were announced as the 2024-2025 Homecoming king and queen.
With the crowd cheering for the pair, it was finally time for the Seniors of Merit at Work (SMW) to perform their ending dance routine. This dance routine was performed with a mashup of songs like, “Uptown Funk,” “California Girls,” “Treasure,” and “Unwritten.” The assembly concluded with the singing of the AHS Alma Malter, where each student stood up and swayed side by side.