Hooks in hand, de-stress in mind. Staff and students gathered at the Arcadia High School (AHS) Library on Oct. 26 and Nov. 2 after school for its first ever crochet workshop on how to make a drawstring bag. If additional time was needed, some even attended the third workshop on Nov. 9. Hosted by both the Wellness Center and the Library, the purpose of the event was to provide a safe space for everyone.
The workshop was led by AHS juniors Caitlyn Chau and Amanda Le, who primarily assisted participants in mastering the fundamentals of crochet—from holding the hook to creating basic stitches. For those already familiar with crocheting, they were given the pattern for a drawstring bag, allowing them to progress at their own pace. After completing the step-by-step process, Chau and Le provided guidance on the final steps to polish the bag.

When asked about her feelings regarding the event, Le expressed genuine enthusiasm for being an instructor.
“Personally, I really like crocheting,” said Le. “It’s something that relaxes me, helps take things off my mind. I think sharing it with other people…makes me feel really good by helping others and sharing my ways of relieving stress.”
The attendees gathered in a collective spirit, seamlessly assisting each other through every step of this therapeutic crafting process. According to sophomore Sofia Perez, one of the attendees for the workshop, being able to crochet at school was a comforting experience.
“I thought it was really nice how they provided the materials and they had people teaching so that people new to it could work alongside other people who already knew how to crochet,” said Perez. “It was very beginner-friendly, so that was very good because then it was easy for everyone.”
“It was a small and short project and it made something people could use everyday if they wanted to,” she added. “The environment was very comforting, as it was not only a fun workplace, but also somewhere you could talk with friends or new people.”

Regardless of their experience in crocheting, attendees were able to gather together to bond with each other, and make new friends.
“It’s great to see both the students and the staff crocheting together, especially some of them already knew how to crochet,” said Dr. Deja Anderson, the wellness counselor at AHS. “I think all the workshops had a great turnout, and we will definitely host more in the future.”
She also emphasized that the workshop was conceived last year as a response to the prevalent stress AHS students face daily.
“It was actually an idea [from] last year. Ms. Will and I worked closely together to bring up this event,” Dr. Anderson added. “AHS students are intelligent, but because of the overwhelming stress AHS students are facing, they don’t necessarily give themselves a ‘Me’ time. I think the workshops really gave them a ‘Me’ time and allowed them to relieve stress from school work and other pressures.”
The workshops were a comforting place for students and staff to connect, create, and alleviate stress. Be sure to keep an eye out for future workshops for any current and potential crocheters!
Photo courtesy of AHS Wellness Center