Money Can Buy Happiness


Kaitlynn Trinnh, Staff Writer

Money can buy happiness: a simple, yet controversial statement. While many believe that money leads to only superficial fulfillment and can’t buy real happiness, this simply isn’t true. Although indeed, money can’t buy us everything (love, time, health, etc.), money can enhance our lives and provide us with security, fulfillment, and happiness.

The most basic way money can provide happiness is by fulfilling our basic physical needs. Having enough money to pay for food, shelter, and clothing means we don’t have to constantly dwell on making ends meet. When our basic needs are fulfilled, we can focus on other aspects of our lives that also bring us happiness, such as relationships and hobbies.  

Money also provides an undeniable sense of security. A lack of money is a common source of stress in our lives. But with a stable source of income, we secure our comfort. When we have enough money to cover our basic needs and expenses, we can relax and no longer constantly worry about bills. A sense of financial security can help us plan for the future and provide a cushion against unexpected events and emergencies, which is essential for our emotional well-being as it’s a key factor in our overall happiness. 

Additionally, money allows us to experience new things and pursue our passions. Whether it’s traveling to different locations, attempting new hobbies, or funding educational opportunities for ourselves and our loved ones, possessing money funds many of our needs and sources of enjoyment. Not only do these experiences bring more joy and fulfillment to our lives, but they also create long-lasting memories for a lifetime. 

An often overlooked benefit of money is allowing us to give to others. Whether donating to charity, helping close friends and family in need, supporting important causes, or simply being generous with our time and resources, giving can increase our happiness and can be incredibly rewarding emotionally. When we’re financially stable enough to help others, we’re making a positive impact in their lives and our lives. 

Money isn’t the only factor that contributes to our happiness. Relationships and good health are other important components as well. However, money can play a key role in creating a foundation of stability and security that aids us in focusing on these other components of happiness. 

Yet, possessing too much money can have its drawbacks. Too much money can foster greed and lead to little motivation. If everything in life is easily attainable, there’s little incentive to work hard and strive for goals, ultimately causing laziness. Additionally, an abundance of money can create an isolating atmosphere as those who possess a large sum of money struggle to relate to others and lose out on important genuine connections. Although, these problems can be avoided by obtaining a sense of purpose, a work ethic, and a set of morals to prevent money from polluting one’s head. 

While money may not be the only way to happiness, it has the potential to improve our lives. Money plays a significant role in our overall happiness and well-being by providing us with our basic needs, security, experiences, and the ability to impact others’ lives.


Photo courtesy of UNSPLASH.COM