Winter Concert at AHS

Linda Zhang, Staff Writer

Right after the success of the Fall Concert, the musicians at Arcadia High School (AHS) began working their way through new pieces in preparation for the Winter Concert. Stepping away from the traditional orchestral pieces, this concert features some holiday-themed pieces from the pop-industry, such as “All I Want for Christmas Is You” by Mariah Carey. Despite normally having separate performances, the orchestra is also collaborating with the choir to bring festive music to the ears of the audience on Dec.16 at 7 p.m. in the Performing Arts Center (PAC).

“Playing as a whole group is a very enriching experience for me. Because the performance is a group work, I was able to communicate with other instruments besides my own, making new friends. On stage with everyone around me, I was able to unlock my skills and enjoy music,” said AHS freshman Alice Wang.

In PAC, audiences will quietly pick their seats as they wait for the curtains to open. The first orchestral group to perform will be the Premier Orchestra, presenting the audience with Inverno by Vivaldi, Greensleeves arranged by Scharm, and Jingle Bells Gone Wrong by Barnard.

“Having the stress of performing in front of an audience motivates me to practice harder, which improves my techniques. Every concert, I also get to hear the other groups perform and learn what I need to improve on,” said AHS freshman Dorinda Yang. 

The Arcadia Chanteur’s had also played alongside this orchestra performing their beautiful rendition of “Gaudete,” “See Amid the Winter Snow,” “Wish You Merry Christmas,” “Text Me Merry Christmas,” “Basque Carol,” and “Festive of Carol.”

“It was a great experience and this is our first concert of the school year joined by orchestra and concert band. and it’s amazing to see so many people showed up to watch us sing,” said AHS senior Arcadia Chanteur Nathalie Chiu.

Although stepping on the stage and playing in front of such a large audience will inevitably create some stress for the musicians, it also pushes them to notice and fix their imperfections. Not only is a concert a chance for the students to showcase their hard work, it is also a valuable learning experience, for students are always tasked to reflect on their performances afterwards. 

Being one of the most prestigious public school music programs in Los Angeles, the Arcadia Music Program provides rewarding experiences for its students. Here, students get to collaborate with one another, dive into the history of music, and learn about the mechanics of music theory. Although not everyone is going to pursue a musical career, playing music is definitely an enriching activity.


Photo Courtesy of AUSD Digital Communications Interns Rianna Marquez and Arion Togelang