Thank You, Apache News

November 30, 2022
Walking into the classroom doors of Room A102, numerous posters are hung on the walls. They are a simple addition to the room, yet they capture the merit of the classroom, innovation, and creativity. Upon closer examination, each poster has been skillfully edited, featuring students from past years and Mr. Suñez on the covers.
Going into the school year, we had a preconceived notion that senior year would be the most stressful year, and for the most part, we were right. However, walking into the fourth period Apache News (APN) classroom was the best part of the school day. There is the complete creative freedom to advocate for whatever cause wanted, with APN Advisor Mr. Suñez’s approval. APN provides local news from high school perspectives that many students agree with and look forward to seeing.
The unique twist on the news each Friday at 12:27 p.m. gives students at Arcadia High School something to look forward to. Each APN member has the brains and charisma that cannot be replaced. Creating a class where ideas are taken and developed into informative pieces provokes conversations about topics that would not ordinarily be discussed, giving voice to the minority.
The Halloween show ended up being a hit this year by incorporating the creativity of the members of APN in one show. The broadcast ended up being zombie-themed, and each APN member dedicated hours after school to creating it. There is never a bleak day in APN; never is there a day that goes by during fourth period when the room is not filled with laughter and smiles.
Room A102 is the only class with no limits and where no one’s ideas are dismissed. With the help of Mr. Suñez, this classroom is a sanctuary and safe environment for students with the same passions and mindset. There is genuinely free expression, which comes with no limits on creativity- their whole authentic selves are encouraged and welcomed.
Spending our after school hours on Tuesdays and Thursdays to rehearse for the broadcasts every Friday, no one quite understands how much effort is put into making them happen. This is all because of the creative and technical minds that comprise APN. From the two years we have been in this class, we learned the most valuable lessons: be passionate, pursue it regardless of whether it is deemed acceptable, and never fully unscrew anything.
So thank you, APN, for filling a passion in our lives and showing us the beauty behind creativity. Thank you for not limiting our creativity to guidelines. Thank you, APN, for encouraging us to be our true selves and inspiring the whole class to pursue their dreams.