Thank You, Orchesis


Vritti Godani, Publicity Manager

After watching numerous homecoming and holiday assembly performances, spring productions, and charity shows, I was amazed at what Orchesis could do. Always viewing their performance quality, flexibility, and overall dancing as unattainable, I never considered myself as someone who could be a part of the company, so you can imagine my shock when I actually did make it into the company at the end of my junior year. 

At the beginning of my senior year and as a new member of the company, I was so excited to get to work and see what the year held for us. Although starting the year off with basic training (intense conditioning and prep for the school year) was not the most enjoyable, I still looked forward to coming to class and seeing all the other company members. We bonded over our shared struggles and sore muscles and complained together about how much we hated getting up early and working out for two hours before school started. Throughout all this complaining, I found not only a place for me to push myself and grow as a dancer and person, but I also found a community. We grew closer together, creating inside jokes, helping each other study during lunch practices, and providing each other with support whenever it was needed. I was the happiest I had ever been and I truly do not think that I would have reached that mental state if it wasn’t for the environment and community that Orchesis provided me with. 

As the year progresses, and my list of things to stress about increases, I still find myself looking to Orchesis as a form of escapism. I look forward to master classes and after-school rehearsals and seeing the other company members. I love any instance we get to get ready for a performance together and help each other with our makeup. I am so grateful for how Orchesis has completely shifted my sleep schedule from going to sleep at 5 in the morning to now waking up anytime between 3:30-4:30 in the morning to finish my homework before leaving for 0 period since my body just shuts off after 8 p.m. 

As I experienced some social issues this school year, I found a place with the other Orchesis members to confide in. I am so grateful for their unconditional support and encouragement, regardless of how I feel about myself. Finding a group of people that are so different yet so similar is extremely rare, especially when they all get along, and I am so grateful that I get to say that I am a part of that group.