Thank You, Mrs. DeSurra


Madison Yee, Skye Escobedo, and Lauryn Chao

A teacher’s work extends beyond their students’ grade point average—it is a teacher’s deep passion and affable energy that creates an everlasting effect on younger generations. Many teachers view their job as nothing more than a nine-to-five; however, it is evident that Mrs. DeSurra embraces teaching as more than an occupation and prioritizes the success of her students. Having her as a teacher has proven to us students that making connections with teachers is possible and enhances our learning. Her teaching style is not the only thing that sets her apart from other teachers, it is the comfortable, safe, and fun environment she creates that helps students learn. 

When tasked with various assignments, there is always the pressure to meet certain expectations. However, Mrs. DeSurra delivers her constructive criticism with the intent of helping students reach their full potential. She guides rather than pushes her students in the right direction. Sharing one’s writing with a teacher can often be a very vulnerable experience, but Mrs. DeSurra has made an atmosphere that fosters us to be proud of our work.

With mental health being a prevalent topic of concern for school districts worldwide, Mrs. Desurra ensures that her students feel supported and acknowledged. She cares deeply about her students’ well-being and constantly reflects a sense of understanding when students are feeling overwhelmed. 

During the 2021-2022 school year, Mrs. DeSurra exemplified how much she values her students when she gifted each of us with a personalized bracelet and handwritten letter. Each bracelet’s motivational message catered to what she believed each individual needed based on her observations and specific bond with them. This act of kindness demonstrated that she is there for us, no matter what, and that she understands the pressures of attending a competitive high school. Mrs. DeSurra’s loving actions and having a token of appreciation addressed to each individual had more significance than words can convey.

From connecting with her students about Taylor Swift to analyzing Emily Brontë, Mrs. DeSurra is able to bond with her students’ interests and modern pop culture while simultaneously teaching us to grow as writers. Her ability to touch the minds and souls of her students does not go unseen.

Thank you, Mrs. DeSurra, for the warmth and passion you lead your students daily! Stepping into your classroom and settling into our seats is always the best part of the school day!