
Jocelyn Hu, Writer

There are a variety of possible things that can happen within a single day. Anger, sadness, remorse, happiness, excitement, and nervousness are only a few feelings out of the whole range of emotions one can experience throughout a single day. A girl may wake up feeling like a princess and then change her mood within a minute or even a few seconds. The opposite may happen to others as well. Someone can wake up on the wrong side of the bed and then become overjoyed once something positive happens. These day-changing events that happen to a person, as well as their mood swings, add on to the person’s experiences to affect him or her as a person overall. These several different feelings also happen to transition back and forth each day.

Sometimes the smallest happenings in life may bother a person for the longest times, affecting a person’s mood long-term. This means that a single mistake, no matter how miniscule it is, can cause a person to feel depressed. For example, a person may have lied to his parents and remain depressed throughout the rest of the day due to the leftover feeling of guilt.

However, it is also possible for the simplest things to work the other way around and impact people’s emotions, leaving them to feel satisfied for a long while. Often people who are feeling down just need a person to care for them, ask them if they’re okay, or give them a smile or a joke to brighten their day. Maybe even a hug or a few words of comfort can bring that person’s mood up. The power of these simple actions are extreme and can definitely turn a frown upside down.

All the little ups and downs people face throughout their lives gather up to shape them each and every second, building them to become stronger and more confident daily. Although it is true that struggles, obstacles, and hardships will leave you with tears streaming down your face, it is important to remember that these difficulties will certainly be overcome soon. At the end of the day, no matter how hard things have been, you have fought all of them, learned new things, and become a more mature person overall. It is also important to “always be kinder than you feel”, since a single smile or a few words of encouragement may be able to leave another with a smile on his face.