Save the Environment

Justin Chen, Staff Writer

Do you feel bad everytime you throw an empty candy wrapper on the ground? Don’t you feel that slight tingle of guilt surge through your heart? The world we live in is dying, and we are taking advantage of it and not doing enough to save it. Some of the main reasons why our world will soon be gone are global warming and pollution.

Global warming occurs when carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gasses gather in the atmosphere, which causes them to absorb heat and solar radiation coming from the Earth’s surface. This leads to the excess heat becoming trapped, ultimately making our planet hotter. This cycle is known as the greenhouse effect. One way to prevent global warming is to stop using fossil fuels. This can be done by just generally saving energy by using energy-efficient equipment such as fluorescent light bulbs, or by carpooling to school or any other places. Over the past 50 years, the average global temperature has drastically increased, causing the ocean to become warmer, as well as cause many other environmental problems. Earth has begun to have hotter heat waves, more frequent droughts, and more powerful hurricanes, all because of our ignorance towards global warming, which has begun a major problem in our modern world.

Pollution is also a major problem that is causing our world to die. Although we are trying to prevent pollution by doing little things, that is not enough. The most harmful type of pollution to your body is air pollution. Air pollution is created by excessive burning of fuel, and cars are one major example. Since cars produce large amounts of carbon monoxide, the air is filling up with a gas that is deadly to your body. Ways to stop this is to carpool more often, and to try to switch over to a hybrid car or electronically-powered car. Another form of pollution is water pollution. Water pollution is damaging our environment and its inhabitants greatly. Industrial factories dispose of their waste into rivers, which pollutes the water and may even kill some aquatic species.

Overall, Earth has given us so much, and we have not properly taken care of it. Earth is dying because of our carelessness, and it’s time to give back to the environment.