Arcadia Intermediate DTASC Showcase

Maryam Sadeghifard, Staff Writer

Our very own Arcadia Intermediate Theatre hosted its annual Drama Teachers Association of Southern California (DTASC) showcase. During this showcase talented students, a part of the DTASC showcase, got to show their talents to a wide variety of audiences and share all their hard work. Intermediate Theatre’s showcase was on Feb. 11 In this DTASC showcase, performers acted out scenes that differ each time a showcase occurs.

As a member of Advanced Theatre, I was excited to see the Intermediate Showcase and what our talented young actors and actresses could do,” said junior Kevin Wu, a member of Advanced Theatre. “The show consisted of heart-wrenching dramatic scenes along with comedic ones that were engaging, creative, and a spectacle to watch.” 

The show was a hit to watch and very entertaining. Those in the audience were ecstatic and blown away by the performances and were able to watch the hard work put into action.

“The showcase for me was an amazing experience,” said junior Katie Siriani, a member of Advanced Theatre. “I was really excited to see everyone perform in their scene because for weeks, I had been seeing them rehearse all over. When I watched, to say their hard work paid off would be an understatement. I was truly so proud of everyone, and it made me think back and wonder if my Intermediate DTASC scene was that good.” 

Though there were many acts throughout the play, and all of them exhibited a lot of talent and wit, the ones that stood out to the audience members were varied. 

“My favorite part of the show was the Greek parody scene where our students had to turn a typical Greek myth into a five-minute scene,” said Wu. “It was impressive how the actors could only use four chairs and no costumes, telling an entire plot with nothing but their bodies and voices.”

“Everyone did absolutely incredible and performed with such confidence and clarity,” said Siriani. “I think a big highlight of the night was a small group dramatic scene about the Vietnam war. Many topics were honored with cuts of the script the actors chose, which made the scene very meaningful. I think it resonated with the audience in a different way from some other scenes because of its content.” 

With positive reviews from those in Advanced, their futures are very high, and their performance will only improve as time goes on.

 “Overall, it was a blast to watch, and I can’t wait to see what lies in their high school theater career,” said Wu.

“I also loved seeing all of the actors come outside to the audience after the show!” said Siriani. “Their smiles were unforgettable and so sweet, I cannot wait to work more with them next year!” 

Make sure to support their showcases in the near future and watch the Intermediate students blossom as their careers advance.