Rage Rooms

Nathan Guo, Staff Writer

Let’s face it. Everyone gets angry. Whether it be about school, family, or just life in general, it can be hard to release that anger. You scream, you shout, and sometimes, that’s good enough. However, once in awhile, you just want to break things. You want to kick and burn and throw whatever you can get your hands on. But you can’t. Because your parents do not condone such behavior.

A teenager in the 1990’s by the name of Donna Alexander recognized this problem and wanted to fix it. She wanted a place to utterly destroy everything in sight. But she couldn’t. Because she was just a teenager and her parents would get mad. She didn’t let her parents stop her, however. Donna envisioned a space where people could release their tension by demolishing useless junk. The only problem was turning it into reality.

Finally, in 2008, Donna put this plan to work and with the help of her friends, collected items people threw away on the curb, like couches, bottles, and TVs. Donna then put all of her collected trash in her garage and let anybody who paid $5 to just have at it. It was an instant success and as time would tell, a profitable business.

In 2012, Donna’s first Anger Room opened up in Dallas, Texas. For a $25 fee, visitors get five minutes of crushing office equipment, furniture, mannequins, and much more with baseball bats, hammers, shovels, planks, and other blunt objects. The popularity of the Anger Room has spread as well. In recent years, similar businesses have cropped up all over the US, with a few of them located in Atlanta, Toronto, and Niagara Falls. Many of them, including the original Anger Room, have websites where reservations and packages can be bought.

Although going to Dallas to spend a few minutes to release of anger is a bit far-fetched, anger rooms have also come to Los Angeles. Although branded separately from the original anger room, there are a few that exist in California. A popular one is just a drive away in Los Angeles. A quick search will give you the details. Furthermore, the original Anger Room is also a popup company, meaning that in a few months, it can come to a city near you. An anger room is a great way to relieve stress, but such services are not common throughout America. So next time, when you’re in Dallas, Texas, and your flight back to LAX gets delayed, be sure to head over to the Anger Room for a few quick minutes of destructive and effective relief.