Get to Know the Arcadia High School Volleyball Team

Maryam Sadeghifard, Staff Writer

So far, the Apache Volleyball team has had a very exciting set of games for this fall season. Their most recent home game on Oct. 7 was against Crescenta Valley, having a close game of 2-3. How do our Apaches prepare before each game, what motivates them?

The most crucial part before each volleyball game is the practice and preparation before each big game. Preparation comes in many different ways, and for each volleyball player it differs.

“Personally, before each game I make sure to get rested the night before,” explained junior Emily Banuelos.

A good night’s rest is crucial for each volleyball player to get as much energy as possible to continue their game and make sure they’re as energetic as possible. Banuelos describes the night before the big day to be very tiring. In order to make sure she performs her best, she takes a good amount of time to practice in her backyard with hitting the ball accurately, and she also practices with her sister. She stated that her coach organizes after school practices so that the whole team is able to fully be ready for each game. She considers volleyball as her way to release stress and considers it her passion.

On days where she feels overwhelmed, she takes it out on the ball, perfecting her play for the game. During each practice before each game, Coach Stephen Bernabe talks them through what to do, how to overcome certain hits that may stump them, and takes in the mistakes that they made before and makes sure for the next games they do not make that mistake again. One of the other most crucial parts after each game is watching it over, and analyzing the faults. That’s exactly where any improvement will come from.

“I prepare by listening to good music to get into my zone.” junior Chayse Hoon stated.

In listening to music, it makes her more focused on and pumped up for the game. Hoon expressed that before a tournament, she feels a lot of nervous energy, but makes sure to keep up good feelings and to stay calm so it won’t get the best of her during the match. For the volleyball team, they all show appreciation for Coach Bernabe, who motivates them to do their best regardless of the outcome.

The most memorable game to Hoon is when they played the first time at Crescenta Valley. In the 5th set they were down and Crescenta Valley was on their winning point. They all knew they had to perform their best, and with team encouragement, they ended up winning by a close shot.

“That game brought the team so much closer together,” Hoon remarked.

By incorporating positive affirmations before a game, and anticipating the best, there is a manifestation of the outcomes being the best they could be. Even though the games are highly competitive, they still have an amazing time playing with their friends and are grateful for having the chance to act on their passions.

Even if they don’t win a game, they still know that they all tried their best and are thankful for the opportunity to play. Next time they play, make sure to go watch and support your fellow Apaches! Hoon and Banuelos both describe the games as so exciting and very entertaining, keeping you on your toes at all times.


Photo courtesy of AUSD