Lashana Lynch: The Newest 007


Anna Odell, Staff Writer

The new James Bond movie, No Time to Die is being released on Oct. 8 and gives Lashana Lynch the title of “The first female 007”. Many believe that her role in this movie will help fight misogyny in the film industry and more specifically, the James Bond movies.

Lashana herself believes “the film represents a shift in how female characters are portrayed in the franchise,” according to All of the previous James Bond movies have been about his adventures and his romantic relationships with women. However, using Lashana Lynch for a role that is on the flip side of the “damsel in distress” coin is a major stepping stone for women in these genres of movies. 

“I think it’s cool to see a woman of color in a James Bond movie,” AHS junior Nikka Jafari said when she first heard about Lynch’s part in the movie. “It’s so empowering.”

There are many others who share Nikka’s opinion on this because it’s such a monumental feat. 

Playing Nomi in the film, Lynch’s character challenges the masculinist Bond Franchise which, unfortunately, has caused a lot of backlash from some people who dislike the idea of a “Black female 00 agent”.

Lynch however, has dealt with this backlash very maturely. Instead of letting the hate knock her down, she deleted social media and spent time with family instead. 

“I am one Black woman–if it were another Black woman cast in the role, it would have been the same conversation, she would have gotten the same attacks, the same abuse. I just have to remind myself that the conversation is happening and that I’m a part of something that will be very, very revolutionary,”  Lashana told Insider. She is able to see the bigger picture and realize that the hate is just an obstacle to overcome on her way to making history. 

Not all “Bondophiles,” the fans of these movies, dislike her role however. Many are glad to see the representation in the upcoming movie. Others are curious as to what this means for the future movies. 

Questions about Lashana’s character “Nomi” have come up as well. Fans are asking “Did she join the ‘00’ section before or after Bond? Was she perhaps 007’s mentor? How did she break through–the only woman to do so apparently–in this male dominated field,” according to These questions will hopefully be answered once the film is released but until then, dedicated fans are left to ponder these questions. later stated that Nomi’s character will “put the now-retired white male spy in his place.” Even Lashana loves how Nomi knows exactly how to handle Bond and how to push boundaries. 

Casting a major female role in a James Bond movie for something other than the love interest is revolutionary in the history of these movies. It opens up many possibilities for the future of the franchise and crushes its misogynistic past. Lashana Lynch takes on the role of a “007” with grace while also facing the hate she has been getting for her character. Lynch knows that she is making history and that alone is enough to be able to deal with the backlash. Although there are many who dislike the idea of her part, others hope that this means women will have a better role in the movies and possibly even take over the future ones.


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