Unsung Heroes: Mr. Spruill

Julia Lin

In our modern age, it is safe to say that the pillar of education is technology. We glean our education largely from teachers, of course, but we supplement our learning through various sources, such as computers and other forms of technology. In Arcadia High School, for example, our new chromebooks certainly play a vital role in revolutionizing the way we absorb knowledge. These educational tools enhance our academic experience and provide a more well-rounded perspective by allowing us to easily attain information.

But what would happen if technology ceased to function? Our educational system as we know it would inevitably become defunct. Even one day of school without technology would prove detrimental to Arcadia High School’s rigorous schedule, as basically every classroom utilizes technology: we access textbooks with our chromebooks, watch educational documentaries through the projector, and use the computer lab to complete and print our work.

Enter Mr. Carter Spruill, Arcadia High School’s computer technician. Many students here may not know him, but what his job entails helps all of us. Mr. Spruill is responsible for keeping all technology up and running at school, including the computer systems in the administrative office, the smartboards in every classroom, and the computers in our many computer labs.

Mr. Spruill started working at Arcadia High in Oct. 1998, so he has seen technology shape the education of students in every year. He especially enjoys driving his cart around campus and interacting with students personally. His gentle, outgoing personality is contagious; I, for one, can attest to Mr. Spruill’s exemplary character. He consistently buys boxes of candy apples from me whenever there is a fundraiser, and greets me with a kind smile whenever we pass each other in the hallways.

Moreover, he actively volunteers in the community. In particular, he has been participating in Relay For Life since 2009, always raising the most funds out of the various teams in Arcadia. Mr. Spruill also does Habitat for Humanity and is a lead volunteer for the Union Station Homeless Services. Perhaps most impressive and heartwarming, he created his own volunteer group called Carter’s Angels, which is composed of both kids and adults who volunteer with him at different events.

Although many people may not realize it, unsung heroes like Mr. Spruill dedicate their hearts and souls to keeping our community spirited and in good shape. From maintaining technology to advocating for good causes, Mr. Spruill is both a key figure and an inspiration to Arcadia.  Without Mr. Spruill around, Arcadia would not be the same.