Friendships During Online School

Greg Wang, Staff Writer

School’s online format has affected more than just our education. The lack of opportunity to meet with peers has also put a strain on friendships, which may cause some to weaken or fall apart. With the ongoing pandemic preventing most from leaving the house, many students have not seen their friends in months now. Furthermore, it has become nearly impossible to communicate with friends during classes, which were a good opportunity to meet new friends and a good reason to keep in contact with people. Without a lunch break to talk and relax, some students may no longer have time to communicate with those they ate lunch with. As a result, friendships have deteriorated, and some students may have lost contact with friends altogether.

For seniors, this may be the last year they see their friends.

“Online school has made me feel very distant from my friends,” said senior Anica Maninang. “In school, I am able to get an in-real-life update and complaints about their classes. We can joke around, play cards, and hang out whenever we meet up. With distanced learning, there really isn’t anything to connect us anymore except when there’s a question about confusing schedules ahead or major holidays. My friendships don’t feel close anymore.”

Additionally, Anica expressed a desire to meet up with friends one last time before they went their separate ways for college, something many seniors may also wish for.

However, not all students have had similar experiences with maintaining relationships online.

“Online school has actually improved many of my friendships,” said senior Justin Wang. “By being online, we can talk more often and catch up with each other, sometimes during passing periods—something that we wouldn’t be able to do if we had class in-person. Additionally, with online school removing most physical restraints, I can talk with my friends over Discord and Zoom much more often. Even though going back to school in-person and hanging out with my friends would be better, my friendships have taken an interesting twist with online school.”

As the school year continues, it seems unlikely that there will be a return to campus. As such, friendships will continue to deteriorate for some, while they will improve for others. Hopefully, friends will continue to stay in touch with one another.


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