Thank You, Sharetea

Melody Lui, Campus Focus Editor

Sharetea. A major chain boba store from Taiwan with over 500 stores worldwide, but also a local boba shop in Arcadia charging $0.75 per topping with an emphasis on speed and service. With three locations across the 626, Sharetea is a classic for teens and families in the area. With their most popular items being the Classic Boba Milk Tea, the Kiwi Fruit Tea, and the Tiger Fresh Milk, Sharetea has endless options to quench anyone’s thirst after a long day.

From a customer’s point of view, Sharetea may be just another boba shop. But no one ever sees the friendships that blossom or the conversations that sprout between workers over the counters. My six months working at Sharetea can be described as something like a dream. When the friendly kitchen cricket chirped and the open sign shined its atomic Neon outside, bonds were formed (and I’m not talking about the bonds in Neon). The following paragraphs are dedicated to the people I’ve become close to because of Sharetea and the memories I’ve made there.

The cold weather-loving, easy-going original Sharetea worker. (She/Her)

A youthful, mother-like figure with a purse full of first-aid and snacks. Although being called the grandma and the mom by many (me included) at Sharetea, many easily connected with her and approached her for small talk. Her laugh can be heard from miles away, and she wouldn’t hesitate to reach for the bill when eating out. Despite her playfulness, she was always a great worker making sure to thoroughly clean the dishes and the counters like the store was her own home. She really was the mother, the foundation of Sharetea.

A college freshman with hair long enough to braid. (He/Him)
Someone who, despite working at Sharetea for a long time, was always friendly to newcomers. Never buying into the illusion that power and ego were directly proportional. He might not know it, but his subtle words filled with care and respect would forever resonate in the minds of the new generation (especially me). Even when he left Sharetea to pursue other passions and hobbies, he still managed to keep in touch with those on the inside. He silently influenced the youth and, to me, will always be remembered as the friendliest of workers and the first friend I had made working there.

An art major living in New York with the best sense of fashion. (She/Her)
If anyone was the “main character” at Sharetea it would most definitely be this particular college freshman. She would always be looking for an adventure and was so expressive when telling stories that it almost always felt like a scene from a movie. Her laughs may be slight, but you could tell she was genuinely enjoying her time with you. It never felt awkward in a car with just two because Rex Orange County would always be in the background talking about how easy it was to love. As she continues to pursue her passion in New York, everyone back home will continue to remember the movie-like protagonist that was her.

A lab worker who loves their drinks half sweet and building Legos. (He/Him)
During work, an old, tall, and pale creature who had to bend his knees in order to comfortably make drinks. Outside of work, radiating a youthful glow, he is more than just his appearance. His laughs are subtle, but they always feel genuine. For hours, this man could talk on and on about anything and everything, never leaving a conversation dry. Although he may be occupied with work and a multitude of different hobbies, he still managed to make the effort to respond to your texts and make you feel included. Laughter is always present in the car rides with him and our conversations will continue to last a lifetime.

An addict for luxury sports cars and dogs. (He/Him)
A man of dedication and effort. Even when nights got rough and life started to weigh him down, he still put his best effort into the drinks he made. Despite the intimidation that exuded from him, he warmed up quite well. Conversations with him were always filled with smiles and playful banter. Anyone could tell that he had the brightest ideas and an imagination of gold. If he put his mind to anything, he would definitely make it far in the world. And that’s why so many others are rooting for him and are excited to see where his life leads after Sharetea.

A Hello Kitty fanatic with an affinity for online shopping and clothes. (She/Her)
A college student with the height of a middle schooler, but the heart of an old grandma. Her love for strawberries and cream cheese could never be compared to and her soft spot for sweets also coincides with her sweet personality. She’ll send you wholesome memes and check up on you periodically, despite working early in the mornings and having a pile of schoolwork at night. Although most of the time we are in our own worlds, her presence will never leave my mind. A charismatic, wonderful, beautiful, human being who encouraged new ideas and helped me discover just a little bit more about myself.

A friend with a bachelor’s degree in biology and a unique sense of humor (She/Her)
She is the epitome of a great worker. Even as a trainee she would clean and cook without being asked to. While in the kitchen, she frequently checked up on those out in the front and would rush to help whenever she could. Despite never getting too personal about her own life, her ideas were interesting enough to catch a glimpse of the story she built. The dynamic between her and every other worker at Sharetea was special. Even when the printer malfunctioned, she would always stay grounded keeping all of us calm too. Without her to help open and close the store everyday, the sanity of many would slowly deteriorate. But as a friend, she was and will always be someone to look up to and someone to help keep us all feeling appreciated.

A sneakerhead and a fashion icon. (He/Him)
There were once three of them with the same name working at Sharetea, but the one with the superior music taste would soon become the most in touch with the new generation of trainees. He prided himself on listening to under appreciated artists and songs, and would always be excited to introduce new music to his co-workers. Some may even say his playlists “slap”. In the midst of it all, he liked to tell stories, talk to customers about his favorite drinks, and just vibe to music. Anyone could tell that he was hardworking and always wanted to improve on himself. “Time how fast I can make these drinks,” he would say. Instead of comparing himself to others, he worked on his speed and soon became the teacher to many new trainees creating workers who were just as nimble as he was.

My first job was just like any other first job—full of mistakes, gaining courage, and the typical dollar bills. With the successful achievement of learning more about myself and meeting people I would never have met regardless, I’m quite thankful for my time at Sharetea. For the laughs, the smiles, the adrenaline, the teamwork, and for the people, no amount of money or tangible items would be worth the same. Life will continue on, but these memories remain static in my mind and my heart. Even when (or if) our paths no longer cross, we will still be under the same set of stars where the memories will be kept safe and sound.