Thank You, Nathan

Siddharth Karthikeya, Staff Writer

When Nathan first moved to Arcadia, he was a quiet and shy boy, granted he was in sixth grade and still growing up. He always had a subtle sense of humor and would never let a conversation run dry. It was almost as if he had this conversational superpower to prolong the interest of anyone he was talking to.

Through the years Nathan obviously changed, but he maintained core values that made him the great individual he is today. Those maintained values included his honesty, selflessness, wit, and generosity.

Although, if one were to describe him today, they would say; Nathan is a confidant, a brother, and a best friend to all of those close to him.

The greatest part about talking to Nathan is the fact that he listens with empathy and concern. Never would he let anyone be sad, and he goes out of his way to brighten people’s days regardless of his own mood.

And it’s because of this attitude towards others that Nathan can also be described as selfless. No matter what’s going on in his life, he’s always present at the drop of a hat to help anybody in need. He’s often willing to sacrifice his own time and more to help others.

But not only is he selfless and empathic, Nathan is also witty. On the spot, he can come up with wisecracks to make anybody laugh. His humor is not only broad, but it’s very creative. Every joke has his friends rolling in laughter and gasping for their breath.

So as with someone so talented, many may come to wonder how is his character?

Nathan has a near-perfect character. His humbleness towards every action he takes is overwhelmingly evident. His subtle generosity has long-lasting impacts. And finally, his inclusive tone of speech makes everybody feel comfortable around him.

Reasonably, one may not believe the golden heart of this one man, so here’s a story to explain how pure Nathan really is.

A few months ago, Nathan and his friends had gone to get some pizza and they were starving. They were skating around when they saw a homeless man who looked very thin. Sleeping quietly on a hard park bench, the man had nothing to protect him from the biting wind other than a paper-thin jacket.

To the surprise of his friends, Nathan approached the sleeping man and quietly laid down the box of pizza he had been holding. And right after, he led his friends to a nearby store to purchase a blanket to give to the man.

The friends were amazed. Nathan had taken care of a man he’d never seen before in his life. A man that the friends normally would have either ignored or looked past.

So this Thanksgiving, I’m thankful for those with beautiful personalities. I’m thankful for those with hearts of gold. I’m thankful for Nathan.