Writing Letters to Stay in Contact


Madison Yee, Staff Writer

Blast from the past? While it may not be a familiar form of communication in this age of technology, writing letters is engaging and a good way to stay in touch with your friends and family while holding sentimental value and a personal connection. 

Receiving something in the mail always brings that feeling of anticipation and excitement for everyone including those who are usually glued to their screens. During this generation with the pandemic, it has kept everyone stuck in their homes or “bubbles” restricting us from stepping outdoors and experiencing new things. You may notice that with so many text messages, those unforgettable conversations are often lost in a blur of words that can go away in the snap of a finger from a simple delete button. However, when you handwrite a letter you are able to capture sacred moments that you can easily access whenever you are feeling down. During COVID 19, many of us are losing contact with individuals that we used to have good relationships with. However, this form of communication can emphasize the love, friendship, and togetherness you feel for a close friend.

As Catherine Field from The New York Times wrote, “A good handwritten letter is a creative act, and not just because it is a visual and tactile pleasure. It is a deliberate act of exposure, a form of vulnerability because handwriting opens a window on the soul in a way that cyber communication can never do.”

The nice thing about letters is that you don’t need much to do it. You can effortlessly get some paper and a pen to begin writing, seal up the envelope, and take a short walk to drop off your card to a local mailbox. When putting together a letter, you can use it to catch up, talk about the latest news, ask questions, etc. Writing allows you to be raw with your thoughts without miscommunication while serving as a fun way to include some positivity. A great way to do this is by adding some drawings, stickers, photos, and more! Personally, I like to decorate my letters with a handful of stickers while also inserting a few photos to serve as mementos. One thing to remember is to not forget to always add a timestamp.

Freshman Hailie Cheng says, “You can even send a letter to someone who you miss that lives in a different country or state.” This can make writing extra fun because it acts as a way to have a pen pal! If you don’t know anybody for this particular option, there are also many websites and outlets to find someone to write to. 

Now that you are inspired to write a card of your own, don’t be nervous to reach out to someone you haven’t talked to in a while.


Photo courtesy of UNSPLASH.COM