How Are Photographers Keeping Themselves Busy?


Logan Johnson, Staff Writer

Photographers are artists who see the world through different lenses. A tree to you is a frame for them. A puddle to you is a different reality for them. Photographers aren’t only armed with a camera, but a creative mind as well; however, quarantine has been testing that creativity with restrictions wrapped around the world. 

When the world first went into quarantine, the world quickly became a ghost town. The majority of people stayed inside and refrained from making any contact with strangers or their friends. Social areas shut down, schools closed, places of interest were almost inaccessible. This tested the minds of photographers. Where would they go? How would they make money if it was their job? Would they even be allowed to have photoshoots with anyone? For some photographers, this was an opening that they were waiting for, and others were stumped on what to do but didn’t give up.

Ethan Tran is a sophomore at AHS, and he is a photographer and video maker. His passion for video making started when he was little and that passion stayed within him. He started off as a video maker, but once COVID-19 hit, he decided to make the switch to photography as it was harder to record with certain people.

“Being in quarantine definitely limits the places and dates we can go out to do shoots. But my friends and I would still plan out some days and go do shoots while still practicing social distancing.” stated Ethan in an interview. “In terms of my quality I think the quarantine has given me time to improve my work.”

Ethan prefers capturing the beauty of the outside rather than what’s inside. “I feel like the outside world brings so much to explore. I’ve barely touched the surface of the state and I’ve seen so much and it’s beautiful,” Ethan went on to say. 

However, nothing there wasn’t success without struggle. Ethan’s biggest problem was getting his friends together for photoshoots or finding a safe place to do so. 

“We can’t really work around it but we make dues with what we get,” Ethan stated.

Model is Jacky Liang, photo courtesy of Ethan Tran. @ethantran21 on Instagram

When it comes down to empty streets and isolation, another photographer rises up. Bryan Perez is a junior at AHS who started his journey as a photographer after taking a photography class at AHS and wanted to use his free time wisely. 

“I do it to open my eyes and see the beauty everything has to store,” is what Bryan strives to achieve within each picture he takes.

Within quarantine, Bryan got more inspired instead of getting stuck. He was able to take pictures where he originally wanted to but couldn’t due to a busy street and other distractions. He took advantage of the isolation around him instead of dwelling in it. 

“I would have to say my biggest struggle was to make the simple things stand out more than they do,” stated Bryan.

A simple goal on paper, a difficult task with a camera. However, this didn’t stop Bryan from getting what he wanted. 

“I work around it by changing the scenery or adding the same type of group color or anything that goes with what I’m taking the picture of.”

Photo courtesy of Bryan Perez. @realbryan2 on Instagram

COVID-19 hasn’t only affected photographers, it has affected the teachers as well. Ms. Tiffany Douzart is a photography teacher at AHS, and she has experienced difficulties as well. 

“One can feel isolated when looking into a screen,” Ms. Douzart stated. “Therefore, I really have to work hard and make sure everyone is getting the education they deserve and is feeling a part of a community.”

Ms. Douzart tries to stay positive despite the constant setbacks that COVID-19 has brought. Despite not being able to be there physically with her students, she enjoys having access to online support services and information that she can share with her class with a click of a button. Critiquing is another difficulty. It’s not as easy as it would be in person, as common mistakes do happen.

However, Ms. Douzart doesn’t let that stop her, “One can argue that to be a good thing. After all, making mistakes is a big part of learning.”

Photographers aren’t just people with a camera. They’re people with a dream and a passion to fulfill. Quarantined or not, drawing blanks or thinking too much, photographers know what they want and will try every idea that comes to mind until they get what they want.


Photo courtesy of UNSPLASH.COM