Barbie Movies on YouTube


Sandi Khine, Staff Writer

While many may be bored in quarantine, looking incessantly for yet another show to watch, the Barbie Movies have come to the rescue. 


As of May 26, there are 18 Barbie movies available to watch for free on the Barbie Official Movies Youtube Channel, with the first one having been uploaded sometime mid-May. Although many of the films are low quality—360p for example—there is no greater joy than being able to relive childhood memories on your computer screen.   


For many of those in Generation Z, the Barbie Movies represent an era (mostly) long gone: whimsical yet empowering, images of fairytales and imaginary lands, and a belief that anything might happen. For those with not much else to do at home all day, watching a nostalgic movie might just be the perfect treat.


Here are some of my top picks if you’re having trouble starting somewhere; after all, with 36 movies to pick from, starting with Barbie in the Nutcracker in 2001. The latest release of the franchise, Barbie: Dolphin Magic, marked a hiatus, but Mattel is expected to release another film musical, Barbie: Princess Adventure. 


  1. Barbie of Swan Lake

This film is one of the originals. Released in 2003, it follows a fairytale plot, with an evil wizard, a fairy queen, and one innocent main character who might turn into a swan. Full of action and thrill, you can’t go wrong with this well-loved favorite. 


  1. Barbie and the Magic of Pegasus

It might be my inner horse girl, but this one is my personal favorite. While I lament that there is a romantic plot, I love the way that Barbie and a Pegasus form a bond to defeat an evil warlock. It’s your classic good defeats evil, and it will make you feel all the better for watching it. 


  1. Barbie as the Princess and the Pauper

Based on Mark Twain’s novel The Prince and the Pauper, this movie has two lookalikes from completely different social strata whose fates are intertwined. Although I only picked up on the homoerotic subtext as I grew older, I have to say that it’s something that definitely makes the film as good as it is. 


  1. Barbie in the 12 Dancing Princesses

This one is beautiful not only to watch, but also to immerse yourself in. With a secret world and an evil duchess, there is no shortage of suspense. It’s a wholesome story with the power of love and family to rule us all.

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