SAT Subject Tests: Why Are They So Important?

Abhiyan Kota, Staff Writer

The Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) is a test we all know as it’s very important for a successful path towards college. Many students also take the American College Test (ACT), which is similar to the SAT, but focuses on different subject areas. These are not the only tests that are critical for college applications; there are also the SAT Subject Tests. What are they? These are standardized exams of 60 questions to be completed in an hour. There are multiple to choose from, each showcasing a specific subject area within the broader courses of math, science, history, literature, and world language. What makes these tests so important?

First off, many colleges either recommend or mandate that you do certain SAT Subjects. For example, many STEM majors require that you complete a science and mathematics exam. In fact, most colleges do like to see that you completed a math exam, but taking a science exam will strengthen your chances of getting into the school you desire. It is important to know which specific test you want to take. In terms of math, the Math 2 Subject Test is most recommended as it is the more advanced test, showcasing your skills in that area. Also, there are only two math exams, so it is better to take the more advanced one. In terms of science, it depends on what you plan to do. If you want to do chemistry, that is what you will choose; otherwise, there are also biology and physics. Take the exams that matter to you and your future.

In addition, the Biology Subject Test is an outlier as there are two versions available to choose from, E or M. If you are better with ecological studies, take E, but if you are better in microbiology, take M. Finally, there is the matter of humanities/social studies. Even though it’s pretty strong to have done a science and math exam, you will appear even stronger completing an exam for social studies. It is recommended to follow the easy route and take the World History Subject Test, but if you are more interested in different fields of history or English, there is a Literature Subject Test, as well as a U.S History exam. Finally, there are world language tests. Unless you are majoring in world languages or are interested in fully learning the language, you won’t have to take these.

Overall, these are the big details to know about SAT Subjects. For sure, any student should take a science and math exam, and he/she want to, a history exam as well. The best test date is during August. This is because the information you learned from a course which you will be tested on for the SAT Subject will be fresh and retained. If not, you can participate in testing in June, but since this will be the Saturday before finals, it may not be the most preferable time.

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