Student Volunteers: Life-Worthy Lessons
April 22, 2019
Throughout all of AHS, you don’t have to look too far and hard to find someone who volunteers. Whether it’s during school at lunch time, at the library, or even outside at another organization for worthy causes, volunteering teaches numerous life-lesson skills. Because volunteering helps us to work well in group settings, become more positive and confident, the sky is just the limit for every student at Arcadia High School.
Although each individual learns and gains something different, everyone who volunteers learns the importance of being reliable and accountable. Sophomore Neha Athavale volunteers at Methodist Hospital in the admitting department, wheeling patients out as they get discharged. “This experience for me has taught me reliability because I need to always attend my shifts on time because every person is necessary over there. I’ve also learned how to become a better conversationalist because it’s kind of awkward to wheel someone out when it is completely silent.”
While interviewing students around the campus, places like Methodist Hospital, The Humane Society, different invitationals, and the community center are all accessible places that allow a chance for everyone to give back to the community. “I have been volunteering for two-to-three years and I believe that it has helped me to become a responsible and independent individual,” stated freshman Katelyn Sim. “I usually volunteer at the Arcadia Community Center, GSGLA Mariposa Camp, RTW Kids (Holly Avenue), USC, and Roadex America Co.”
Volunteering doesn’t have to consist of being at a certain place, but also counts for lending a helping hand during sport meets and events. “I do not volunteer much; however I have been volunteering the week of spring break. Starting two years ago, it all started with the the Arcadia Invitational in my freshman year,” said junior Chloe Leung. “Volunteering has taught me to realize that it’s always more to learn and that depending on the people around you, the volunteering job can be more fun. I have also learned that hard work really does eventually pay off.” For track and cross country athletes, everyone must help set up up the equipments for preparation and clean-up for the upcoming meets and invitationals.
Through summer, winter, spring, and fall break, students are able to add in a couple of volunteer hours by helping out locally or participating in events. “I’ve volunteered before at the Arcadia Recreation Summer Program. During that summer, I was able to become more patient, learn how to manage time, and become more fond of children – making enjoyable memories,” replied freshman Kyrene Tam.
With the wide variety of clubs around our campus, there are numerous different selections to get in volunteer hours and actively participate in making a difference. Whether it’s Habitat for Humanity, Kare4Kids, Interact, Leo Club, Green Team, each club has something to offer – assisting children, participating in local community events, cleaning up and reducing carbon footprint, ocean clean-ups, and more!