How to Find Inspiration to Read

April 19, 2019
Being a high school student, it can be difficult at times to just relax and catch up on your favorite books. Whether it’s from a lack of a good book, or simply too many distractions, in this article, I’ll be discussing ways to find the inspiration to start reading.
- Stow Away All Distractions
One of the most difficult obstacles to overcome is getting rid of distractions (usually electronic) that seem more appealing than reading a book. As a teen who’s addicted to her phone, it’s extremely hard for me to choose reading over scrolling through Instagram. Therefore, I usually put my phone or any other electronics in another room to charge while I read, which rewards me with a fully charged phone after I finish reading.
- Use Different Platforms
If you’re just too lazy to head to a library, try to find audio books or invest in a Kindle. There are many other platforms other than the standard physical copy of your favorite novels that can be easier for some students to access.
- Explore Different Genres
A reason for your lack of interest in reading could possibly just stem from a lack of interest on the topic. By exploring different genres of writing, you could find books that you won’t be able to put down. If you’re still having trouble looking for the perfect, captivating book, it can be beneficial to think of your favorite movies and choose a book with a similar theme or setting. You could also ask a friend or librarian for any recommendations tailored to your preferences.
- Sometimes, Less is More
I’ve definitely fallen victim to the need to choose an advanced and longer book just to show that I’m capable, or because of the belief that these books will be more interesting. Over time, I’ve learned that shorter and less challenging books can be just as interesting, and it’s unwise to choose a book based on appearances. Although I enjoy my thick, complicated novels, it’s also nice to relax with a book that has a quick yet fascinating plot.
- Find a Good Environment
Sometimes, just being in a noisy, high-energy room can be detrimental to your concentration. Speaking from personal experience, the best places to read are libraries or in your room. Libraries are quiet, and you’re typically surrounded by others who are productive, so there should be no distractions around you. Your room is a great way to get comfy in bed and finally finish that book you’ve been reading for forever.
Hopefully, this article was able to aid in your journey to incorporating more literature into your life.
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