What kind of brownie are you?

Alyssa Rave, Staff Writer

1. What is your favorite activity?
a. Camping or hiking.
b. Drawing or painting.
c. Playing sports or cooking.
d. Reading or writing.

2. Where would you like to travel?
a. The Amazon rainforest in Brazil.
b. The Berthillon Café in Paris.
c. The Pelican Beach Resort in Belize.
d. The Colosseum in Italy.

3. Which word best describes you?
a. Thoughtful
b. Adventurous
c. Passionate
d. Innovative

4. The perfect home would be…
a. An isolated cabin in Alaska.
b. A Victorian villa in Spain.
c. A modernized loft in New York.
d. A cozy apartment in Los Angeles.

5. Your bedroom contains mostly…
a. Photographs of your favorite moments.
b. Sketches or framed paintings.
c. Basic furniture pieces.
d. Books, maps, or journals.

6. What would be your ideal gift to receive?
a. Sports gear
b. Art supplies
c. Anything that interests you at the current time
d. Retro collectibles

7. What is your favorite animal?
a. A dog or horse.
b. A snake or fish.
c. A rabbit or guinea pig.
d. A bird or elephant.

8. Which Hogwarts house do you belong in?
a. Gryffindor!
b. Hufflepuff!
c. Slytherin!
d. Ravenclaw!

9. Which one of these desserts entice you?
a. Donuts or pudding.
b. Crème brûlée or cake.
c. Brownies or Tiramisu.
d. Chocolate covered strawberries or Cannoli.

10.When you get home from school, what is the first thing you do?
a. Start homework
b. Procrastinate
c. Work out
d. Nap


If you answered mostly A’s: You are a triple nut brownie! Your daring personality and determination are reflected to the people you surround yourself with, and you never cease to be successful.

If you answered mostly B’s: You are an M&M brownie! You are imaginative and valiant with a desire to create, and you never settle for a mediocre explanation or injustice.

If you answered mostly C’s: You are a delicious caramel brownie! Always looking for fun, you readily seek new things to try. You constantly want to explore, but your inner self never changes!

If you answered mostly D’s: You are a classic fudge brownie! You enjoy observing and learning from the situations around you, habitually maintaining your beliefs and sticking with what you know best.