Methods for Better Sleep

Cindy Tse, Staff Writer

High schoolers need plenty of sleep for their bodies to develop properly. Between hectic schedules and anxiety caused by tight deadlines, uncertain futures, and homework, it’s no surprise that many students suffer from unhealthy sleeping habits. In fact, science has shown that if you fall asleep within five minutes of lying down, you are actually very sleep deprived. Here are some tips to get the most you can out of sleeping to hopefully, prevent too much sleepiness in the day.

  1. Change things that would affect your sleeping position and comfort.
    How you sleep, the pillow you’re using, even the clothes you wear can affect your sleep quality. Sleeping on your side is more likely to prevent sleep disorders as well as putting less stress on your spine. Pillows should support your neck and keep it in a straight position. It might even help to keep a pillow between your knees to support your hips in their natural position. Wearing loose, soft clothes or no clothes will let your body regulate your temperature better and further help you fall asleep.
  2. Control the temperature.
    Temperature is a huge factor that contributes to how you sleep. When falling asleep, your body’s activity slows and therefore, its internal temperature goes down. Warm showers can cause you to cool off faster after you step out, or you can turn the thermometer down in your room to around 65 degrees. In both cases, you are aiming to chill the body enough to hinder heart rate and digestion, which will help sleepiness. On the other hand, keeping your hands and feet warm will create a similar effect, so if you’re averse to cold, consider throwing on some socks before heading to bed.
  3. Know how to use technology to your advantage.
    Bright screens prevent the body from producing melatonin, the hormone required for bodies to fall asleep, as well as contributing to temporary blindness. This goes for anything that emits blue light, particularly smartphones. Some methods to keep smartphone use from disrupting your sleep are to dim the screen and keep the light from shining directly to your eyes. The best method is to stop using your phone about an hour before bed. You can also try quietly playing slow music that is at 60 to 80 beats per minute to calm down. Try to avoid noises that are loud or startling and keep the lights low.

Sleep is hugely important no matter what your age, but especially in a high schooler’s phase in life. If you aren’t getting enough sleep or not getting enough quality sleep, try some of these methods to get the rest you deserve.